XV - light me up

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"Party tonight at the Boneyard. What do you think?" Kie says. I'm lying down on her bed and she's sat at her desk. I just feel good anymore. It's like now I know Rafe is back,i'm back to how I was when he left.
"S?" She says. I look up.

"What's wrong?" She asks.
She moves over to the bed and she sits next to me.
"It's Rafe. He's back." I say sighing.
She looks at me shocked.
"What? Since when?"
"Yesterday. I got back from JB's and he was just stood there in my room. We just argued for a little while and then I told him we are over. And he kinda accepted it I guess."
"I'm sure you are." She says not looking like she believes me.
"We really are Kie. It's for good this time." I'm on the verge of tears which Kie notices. She gently hugs me.

"It's gonna be okay S. Everything works out in the end. Whatever happens you have me and the other Pogues okay? I promise you." I nod at her words.
"So party tonight. Are you coming? It might help you take your mind of things." Kie says with a smile.
"Yeah, okay." I slightly smile back.

Kie and I drive to the Chateau after being bombarded with texts from Pope that we had to go as possible because there was an "emergency"
We arrive and they are all sat on the porch talking.
"So what's the emergency?" Kie asks.
"Well basically JJ decided to get into a fight with Kelce earlier today over and guess what over."
JJ looks down covering his face. John B is shaking his head and Sarah looks just as confused as Kie and I were.
"Actually you know what. JJ you tell them." We all look over at JJ.
"In my defence they were over charging."
"Jesus JJ what did you do?" Sarah says.
"I stole from a store, sue me."
"And?" Kie says.
"Kelce snitched on me the little Kook so I had a fight with him."
There's silence for a few seconds.

"So you stole from a store and fought someone for snitching?" Kie says trying to understand.
"Exactly. See Kie, I knew you would get it."
"That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life." Sarah says.
"So what's the emergency?" I ask slightly confused because JJ's story had no relevance to the reason we were kinda summoned I guess.
"Well JJ decided to say what was it again? 'Let's settle this later at the Boneyard.' That's right isn't it?" Pope says.
"Well done JJ." Sarah says. JJ throws his hands up and smokes his blunt.
"So that means JJ invited the Kooks to the Boneyard AKA our side of the beach." Kie says.
"Wonderful." I say.
If Kelce is going then that definitely means Nathan, Topper and Rafe.

Thanks JJ.

I stay at the Chateau for a while until I go home to get changed. I just wore denim shorts and crop top and surprise surprise, my converse trainers. I walk downstairs and Nathan's just about to leave.
"Hey." I say walking down the stairs. He turns around.
"Are you going to the Boneyard tonight?"
"Yeah, are you?" He asks.
He stands there for a second.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah i'm okay."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, promise." I fake a smile. He smiles back and leaves.

I sit down at the table for a minute. I contemplate even going. The fact everything will cause a riot because of JJ earlier. I guess it means I can see Rafe. Well not that it matters anymore. We have to learn to stay away.

I walk over to the Chateau to meet the others and John B drives us all in the Twinkie. I was sat staring out the window on the way. I am taken out of my mind when I feel someone tap my arm.
I look.
"You alright?" JJ asks.
"You're just really quiet."
"I'm fine, don't worry about me."
JJ hooks his arm and I hold on as we walk down to the beach.
We get down to the party and everyone is dancing and drinking.

Kie and I are stood talking while Sarah and John B argue and Pope and JJ are just being Pope and JJ. Basically the Chuckle Brothers. Obviously the Kooks were all staring and sniggering at us. I look around for Rafe but I can't see him anywhere.
"We are definitely in the lions den." Kie says looking around at the kooks.
"Yup. I feel very welcome."
"God. I need a drink." Sarah says walking over taking the cup out of Kies hand.
"You alright?" Kie asks.
"John B is so annoying."
"Why?" I ask.
"He keeps staring at Topper and I just know Topper will react if he carries on and we all know how it ended last time." Kie and I nod.

Last time Topper and John B had a well altercation, it ended with JJ shooting a gun and Topper almost drowning JB.

Kie and Sarah are just talking amongst each other when I finally see him.
He's stood by the water staring out.
"Hey i'm gonna go look for the guys. I'll be back."
"Okay." Sarah replies.
I walk away and walk towards him. When I reach him I stand next to him. Neither of us say a word at first.

• Rafe POV •

I was just staring out into the sea because I couldn't be bothered with the guys tonight. I'm minding my own business when I feel someone walk behind me. They stop next to me. I don't even need to look to know who it is.
"Hi." She says. After a while in silence.
"Are you okay?"
I look at her and I just feel so comforted. Just seeing her face made me feel better about everything.

• Shaine POV •

"Yeah, are you okay?" He asks me.
"Yeah." He slightly smiles before sitting on the sand. I look down at him and I sit down too.
"I'm never gonna get tired of this view." I say.
"I've missed you." He says. I look at him and he's already looking at me.
"Yeah, I've missed you too."
"It's scary when you think about things."
"What do you mean?"
"If we looked back months ago, I never thought we would been together but now I never thought we would be a part." I feel tears swelling in my eyes.

"It's life I guess. Things come and go." I reply. He looks at me before wiping the tear from my cheek with his thumb.
"We had our time."
"The best time." I lean my head on his shoulder and he grabs my hand, using his thumb to stroke mine.

"Dude back off." John B says.
"Get off of him Topper!" Sarah shouts.
Rafe and I look back and see John B and Topper fighting, again. We both run over and Rafe grabs Topper from John B.
"Cool off man." Rafe said grabbing Topper. Rafe pushes him away. Rafe looks at me and smiles before walking away with Topper.
"John B, are you okay man?" Pope says.
"I'm good." He says squinting lying on the floor.
"You lost again dude." JJ says.
"Yeah thanks for that JJ." JB says as JJ helps him up.

We all get back to the Twinkie.
"Well that was a little unexpected." JJ says.
"Was it?" Kie says.
"Actually it's a regular occurrence now." Sarah says.
Everyone is talking to each other.
I just keep thinking about what Rafe said. I know it's over with us. And so does he. But I wish it wasn't.

you got the devil in you - Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now