48 - I break people

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---*Olivia's POV*---

I couldn't believe what she was telling me. Why would she want to push away the person who cares about her most? I know that sounds bad coming from her sister but I can tell by how close they were and how he looks at her that he cares so much more. When Brad left, she started crying and I honestly had no idea what to do. I wished it was Brad she was telling because he would know what to say.

"Cianna, he loves you. Do not push him away. You need him Ce, don't let anything like that get in your way."

After Brad left the room, I looked over at Cianna as tears slid down her cheeks. "What's up hun?" I asked, sitting next to the bed and taking her hand.

"I can't do this anymore. I don't want to make him miserable." she explained, but I was still confused.

"What are you on about Cianna?" I asked.

"He doesn't need me Liv. He could happily live without me. I'm just pathetic little Cianna who can't handle herself. Who pushes everyone close to me away for them, not for me."

"Cianna, where is this coming from?" I asked. I wish we had never drifted, then I would have known what she was talking about right now.

"He doesn't need me. Why am I still here? He could do so much better. Someone nice, helpful, not so accident-prone. Someone he doesn't always need to worry about. Someone more like him, someone awesome." What?

"Cianna, you don't know how beautiful you are. How amazing, funny and confident. You're so insecure, even if you don't show it, and he see's it. He wants to be there for you Ce."

"But I push everyone away, it's what I do. It's what they need. They don't need me, no one does. I'm just a failure and I irritate everyone. I can see the disappointment in everyone, even when they hide it. No one wants me there and I don't want to be here. I want a fresh start, I want to begin again and be a completely different person but guess what, it's too late now because everyone knows who I am now. I only kept one friend at high school and I didn't even try to make friends at college, I was the quiet 'emo' kid who everyone hated and bullied. I don't want this. I want everyone else to be happy without me being a burden."

"Ce, we all care, we all want you here, we all love you and if you think that then you are entirely wrong. Cianna, I don't know what to say. You are not a disappointment. Not to me. Not to Brad. Not to anyone who is out there waiting to find out how you are. And I don't know what started all this but you were never like this before. So what did?" I asked her.

"When we were still at school. When everything around us was changing. When Dad changed." she said and all I could do was let the tears roll.


He did not make her feel like this.

Why didn't she tell me?

"I remember. But-"

"But he's changed and I should forgive him yeah? No. I was happy one time Liv. I was happy with who I was but soon enough I couldn't be, because as soon as I was, he would come and ruin it. He would put me down constantly. Forget anything I was proud of. And then it happened didn't it. The abuse, the drunken state, the using. And you left me. you LEFT me to suffer that." She cried. Was that really how she felt? I remember the first time he did it clear as day and everything that happened. When I left, me and Cianna had had an argument, I had no reason to stay there, with mom so fragile, Cianna hated me. I just left, without giving her a second thought. Guilt hit me right in the stomach and I started sobbing.

"See, I break people. I can't do this to Brad. I can't keep bringing him down with me. You need to tell him to leave this hospital now. I don't want him becoming what I already have." she cried.

"Cianna, he loves you. Do not push him away. You need him Ce, don't let anything like that get in your way."

And that's what happened. I left the room crying but I told Brad to go in there and never let her go. I told him I was going home and I would see him later and he nodded before going into her.

---*Brad's POV*---

I had been sat outside for a long time, I was starting to worry. What if she's going to break up with me? I don't know how I could live with that. I know we haven't known each other long but I couldn't leave her. I couldn't live without her and it wouldn't be easy with the whole living situation.

I love her too much.

I can't let her go.

I couldn't do it.

No matter how much she begged.

"Brad?" Liv came out with tears streaming down her face. I immediately stood up. "Brad, go in there and swear down you will never let her go." She told me.

I wouldn't.

I was about to ask her what happened but she spoke first.

"I'm going to go home, see you later." She spoke before leaving without another word. I went into Cianna who looked up at me but soon turned over. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was tear stained.

"Cianna?" I asked. "Ce, speak to me." I pleaded. "Cianna please, don't ignore me. Tell me what's wrong."

"Brad go away." Ouch. "Leave, and never come back." her voice was so harsh and cold.

"Cianna, look me in the eyes and tell me you really want me to leave." I said, walking to the other side of the bed.

"Brad I need you to leave." She whispered and her voice cracked at the end.

"Is this because of the Elyar thing? Because if it is then the police are after him and he can't touch Josh."

"No, it's not Brad so please just go. Leave

"Not without an explanation." was all I said. I wouldn't give in that easily.

"Brad just GET OUT!" She screamed, sitting up.

"No." I stood my ground.

"Fine. But I'm going to sleep now, I'm shattered."

"No, you're not because you are going to tell me what happened just, whether you like it or not."

"Fine.." She said and sat up. I moved the chair further round the bed as she sat up to face me properly and she began to explain.

The gif really does not fit this chapter but it's so beautiful an literally just imagine looking up from your food or something and just seeing that across the table it just gives me the feels mmmmmmmm

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