Annoying "🌴 🌸"

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Koyomi and Miya are in high school and I don't know what age to put for them because of how they act in the story so I think

Koyomi is 16-17
Miya is 17

Contains: A word that means a woman who has many casual sexual partners basically a s#ut, alot of cursing and may be cringy

It was the first class of the day for Koyomi and Miya, anything was going pretty normal as always. Miya always sat next to Koyomi in class and she doesn't mind it but Miya doesn't really listen to the teacher talk and somehow gets A+ on his tests. Koyomi always notice he was always staring at her in class but she didn't really know the reason and didn't really care. Miya knew the reason tho, why he sat by her.

POV: Miya

'This is so annoying' I thought while blushing

'But why she is so adorable'

I sighed, Koyomi turned her head towards me because of that

"What are you on about?" Koyomi said sounding curious

"What do you think I'm on about?" I said smiling at her

"So, explain why you were staring"

"Ohhhhh~ you were day dreaming about me, I'm I right?" Koyomi said obviously joking but I quickly turned my head to the other way so she wouldn't see me blushing


"Look at those two"
I heard someone whispered (1)

"How can someone like her date a weirdo like him who wearing a dumb cat jacket"
Someone else whispered(2)

I looked over to the ones that was whispering pretty loud and they saw me looking towards them and quickly turned away. I kinda had a feel they were talking about me but it's not like I'm the only person in the world who wears a cat jacket until I heard

"Shit, did he hear us?" (1)
"Well, that actually good let him hear how his girlfriend could be with someone better like me" (2)

I'm not the type to care what people said about me and still is not but the thing I was more curious is Who is my girlfriend?

The only person who I was talking to was.............


No way

Your telling me their talking about

"Such a waste" I was interrupted by another whispered

"You guys heard that she slept with so many guys, she probably still does" Another person other than the first two (1) and (2) whispered

"Is that so~" (2) The boy smirked as if this is awesome thing which disgusting me

"Maybe, I'll try-"


I turned towards the sound to realize that Koyomi had slam both of her hands on her desk loudly purposely then she lifted her right hand in the air.

"Sensei, may I use the restroom?" she asked

"Yes, you may"

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