Chapter 7 : cuddling session~

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You slam open your door to see your boyfriend sitting on your couch watching TV petting one of your dogs "WHAT HAPPENED?! Are you ok!" You drop yourself running over to him "Oh sorry babe! I didn't mean to worry you but I'm going to be staying here for possibly a few months" your boyfriend caleb says "Why what happened?" You ask him again sitting next to him "Well see the apartment are used to live in what is the total bummer especially the manager that worked there she was killer annoying and all I was doing was just playing my guitar since the walls were supposed to be "thic" I mean she told me! And she got mad at me like the other two times I told her what she told me but she just got more mad at me when I just reinstate what she said but the point is she kicked me out and I haven't got lotta money since I haven't got to perform anywhere in a while...actually now thinking of it do you still know how to play the Electric guitar right?" You take a minute to process everything he just said until you speak "Wait she asked you to stop playing the guitar because your being too loud? And you didn't listen?" "That's not what I asked." He says a little annoyed *sigh*"Yes I still know how..." "WAIT! Do you still have your guitar?" He said abruptly "Umm yeah it's in my closet somewhere I mean I played at the studio sometimes why?" You ask him "Just wondering btw where have you been?" He asks you "Oh I got a job A day or two ago because I got fired at my old one so now I-" "Ok good to know I'm gonna go to bed so don't be too loud K love you!" You heard him rush the last part while he close the bedroom door. You sigh and got up to go take a shower in fresh warm water before going to bed with your boyfriend.

Sundays and Mondays closed for the MPP and were your days off, you didn't really do anything besides go to the studios with caleb to shred it on your guitars which was fun to do... sorta. Most of the time it was just Caleb practicing on his own songs and he gave you music sheets for the song and whenever you got a note wrong he got sort of mad at you...but he bought milkshakes for the both of you afterwards as an "apology". But whenever it was just you and your own room while he was in another room you just practice riffs you made up or songs you liked and one of them were " Master of puppets" since it was kind of stuck on your mind after finishing Stranger Things 4 (RIP Eddie🥲)

It was Tuesday and you get up for work but before you leave you leave a note on the fridge saying I have a surprise for you when I get home at 8~ love you!!!❤️. You were finally back to work and head to the front to say good morning to Sophia and DJ but you end up only seeing Sophia sitting at the computer " Morning Sophia say where is DJ?" "Oh DJ? He's with the DJ." Sophia says but it leaves you with a slight confusion on your face, she notices it "Oh right you haven't seen the other animatronics have you?" She says "Yeah I haven't got to do that...hehehe" you are awkwardly laugh to yourself "Well there's this DJ animatronic in the arcade if you look on your map,maybe sometime when the children leave and you're finished with the daycare you can meet me or DJ up here and we would love to show you around more!" She says sweetly "Thank you anyways I don't split see you later!" "Wait!" You stop walking towards the daycare and turn around to see Sophia again, "Here let's exchange numbers cool? She pulls out her phone, "Yeah sure!" You walk back towards the desk and exchange numbers and you go back to walking to the daycare saying goodbye to each other.

"Y/N OH I've missed you!" You were greeted by sun picking you up and a hug before putting you back down "So what did you do this weekend?" Sun an asked curious "Mostly just sat at home" you didn't think you would really be interesting to hear you talking about playing the guitar "What did you do sunny?" You ask him back "OH...umm well I guess I did the same thing there's nothing to really do around here except to go to the theater"
Wait there's a theater? Huh now remembering it you did see you something about a theater on your map "Anyways you wanna get ready for the day with me sunflower?" You blushed a little when he called you " sunflower" it just fell a bit sweeter when I had something to do with the flower in the pet names "Umm y-ya".
The day goes by like normal you hang out with moon when it was Nap-time and play around with sun for the rest of the time and the day ends the same as it has been you saying goodbye to the children and cleaning up the daycare with the sun tho since you finally got to look at the situation do you notice that sign is covered in glitter glue and paint more than usual, and your contracted say you had to at least clean sun and moon whenever you can. "Sun you're covered in glitter glue and paint I'm gonna have to clean you." You tell sun after finally cleaning up the daycare "Oh goodness you're right" he said surprised looking at himself, you grab some of the cleaning supplies meant for sun in the kitchen and he's sitting at a table waiting for you. You got the supplies then walk over to sun and sit down in front of him, you start dipping a rag into some chemicals and water and start cleaning Sunny's chest, then his arms and last his face, you don't notice but a slight tint of pink shades your face while doing this you start to clean Sun's face and you noticed that it was warm but you weren't bothered by it. After that you check the time and you see it's almost 6, you decided since your boyfriend is staying over for a while to come home at eight tonight to maybe have some time together since it's been a little while since you and him did something romantic together or at least a date.

You and sun go back into the daycare and only minutes after like usual the lights turn off, you noticed that they started to turn the lights off just at a random time near seven or eight but this time is a bit early then it should be "Hey moony-" you interrupted yourself when you turned around to see moon a lot closer than he thought he would be and it spooked you a little "Hello Starshine~" Moon says in response before picking you up with your legs wrapped around his waist and him holding you back you shark to blush "M-moon? Why'd you pick me up all of a s-sudden" you slightly stutter well wrapping your hands around his neck so then you don't fall "Well I wanna do something that doesn't involve you sleeping because then I don't get to spend much time with you and hear your angelic voice~" he says grabbing your chain with one of his hands and tilting your head up to look towards him, face-to-face. "W-Well why didn't you say so!" You tell him, he starts to walk over to the same spot that you were sleeping in yesterday and sat down still holding you, "I-I...I umm..." for once you hear moon stuttering trying to put words together, it was cute to see like him this "Moony?" You decide to be like a little devilish and say the pet name that you gave him while looking into his eyes 👀. Moon clears as throat, "I want to cuddle!" You were surprised that he asked you so awkwardly since he's kind of just been what appears to be " touchy" person but then again it could just be an act "Wait...did you really just ask me that? If anything I thought you were just gonna do whatever and I'll just let you since I have no control over that" you say a little regretting the last part "Oh so you like whenever I'm the one with control~?" He says putting his face down towards you and pulling your head up towards him with his hand wrapped on the side of your neck, immediately starting blushing you quickly said "N-no! I-I just know that you're much s-strong then me that's all!" You slightly stutter quickly, moon leans his face closer to yours almost 2 inches away you start blushing a bit more than you already were before you push yourself away from him leaning back a little "Ooookeeee! Anyways c-cuddling...YES! Right!" You say a flustered I at what just happened "Cuddling. Right~" he placing one of his hands on your waist and one in your back pulling you back towards him "I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be close to each-other, right moonflower~?" He says obviously trying to make more flustered than you already are.

You and moon were cuddling with each other for a good 30 minutes until you started to hear something "prrrrrr~~~~" it kind of sounded like...'Purring!?' You quietly laugh to yourself at the thought and moon noticed "What's so funny starlight?" He says in his normal tone "Are you...pffff!...Purring~?" You said slightly giggling. Then you stopped hearing the purring right after you said that and you assumed "Soooo that's a yes~?" You tease him "Ok! I can be honest I was...purring-" He says a little embarrassed "But why would I not be.I mean it's very comfortable cuddling here with you~" you slightly blush before asking "Wait...are you like a cat or something? Because then you would definitely love my cat at home." You say jokingly "W-what! I'm not a cat or anything else except a Naptime animatronic!" He says sounding flustered pushing you out of the cuddle to see your face just giggling at him "Hehehe whatever you say..." you say before thinking and immediately then saying "Kitty~" you start laughing at your own joke. You don't notice this because he literally can't show it but moon starts blushing. A lot! "OK OK! You can stop making fun of me!" He starts laughing with you a little patting your head, you slow down you're laughing before hugging moony and him not expecting it still hugs back "You know it's fun hanging out with you pacifically when I'm not sleeping hehehe" you laugh a little "Hehehe yeah I like hanging out with you too♡︎" you start hearing his fans turning on but ignore


You guys remember you have pets right? Anyways that brings us to a total of : 1869 words!

Are you guys enjoyed reading this and I'll see you the next chapter!

My star~(sun&moon x fem y/n)Where stories live. Discover now