1 - She deserves better than me

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Smoothing down the front of your apron, you put on your best smile as you walked out of the kitchen into the almost empty diner. Only a few regulars were dotted about. The small group of women who'd retired a few years earlier met up every week and always sat in their little corner by the window. The construction crew came in for their brunch every couple of days. The teenagers playing hooky would come often to split a milkshake between them but they left a good tip so you never snitched on them. It was going to be a quiet day, you thought. Well at least until he arrived.

He always came for lunch. He always ordered a double cheeseburger with fries. He always joked about his sweet tooth and added a chocolate milkshake to his order. He always sat in his booth closest to the kitchen, away from his colleagues. He always gave you that gorgeous smile and tipped his hat to you as he left. He always made that fluttery feeling in your stomach appear and hope that he might stay a little longer.

He being, of course, Sheriff Lee Bodecker.

You wiped down the countertop counting down the minutes until Lee would walk through the door. You knew it was stupid to think he would even like someone like you. There wasn't much money to your name and you didn't have the status to be on the arm of the Sheriff. Oh, but you could dream. 

Dreamt about him whispering sweet nothing in your ear. Cleaning your house and preparing him dinner. Waiting anxiously in bed for him to come home after his nightly patrol. Him praising you for being his perfect little wife. For caring for him and keeping him well looked after. For being his good girl.

Your head was so full of daydreaming that you didn't notice someone had spoken to you.

"Earth to Y/N," your colleague Teresa laughed, waving her hand mockingly in front of your face.

"What?" you asked, "Sorry did you ask me something?"

"Yeah, I asked if that countertop needed polishing 'cause you've been wiping it for the past five minutes."

"Oh, yeah it was a bit sticky. You know how the little kids are," you lied.

"Y/N, come on, you can't lie to me," the older woman chuckled, "I've got three kids at home. I know when someone is not telling the truth." You blushed immensely. "Now you gonna tell me what you were thinking about?"

"No, it was nothing. Just daydreaming."

"Who is he?" You blinked at her. "Only a man would distract you this much Y/N. Have you finally found a special person?"

"Uh, I don't know what you're on about," the blush crept up your cheeks.

"Mmmmmm. I don't buy it. Your face tells me otherwise."

"Okay, okay. There is someone but he would never be with me. He deserves someone who won't lower his status and reputation."

"Y/N, now that is just nonsense," Teresa placed her ringed finger on your shoulder, "Me and Matthew have been married near twenty years now and we're doing fine. Sure he's a police deputy and shouldn't be with a diner waitress but who cares what people think? We're in love. We've got three beautiful children. Nothing would stop us from being together. Not even his status or reputation as you put it." 

You looked down guiltily. You didn't mean to cause her offence. Maybe she was right. His status shouldn't stop you. If he didn't want to be with you, that was fine. But you didn't want to push him away because of your insecurities.

"I'm sorry Teresa. I know that you struggled to be with Matthew. I just don't know how to get him to like me," you smiled gloomily.

"Oooooooo. Has Y/N finally decided to woo someone," Valerie came up behind you.

Lee Bodecker One-shots (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now