7 - I want a life with you

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Lee had never been a patient man. By the time he finished high school, he'd fucked his way through every girl in his class and a couple of the guys. With a reputation like his, it was easy for him to get into anyone's bed. Not that they made it to a bed: usually it would be in the back of his car after he'd driven them to a clearing in the woods.

He may have appeared to be a selfish lover, but, above all else, he prided himself on pleasuring others. After speaking with the other deputies on the force, he'd learnt almost none of them could make a woman orgasm. So Lee was determined to make each of his conquests climax before he did. Just knowing that he had the power to make his dates come undone at his touch was enough to sustain him sexually for days.

Due to this, Lee had never desired to date someone exclusively. Why would he need to settle down, when he could have every woman wrapped around his fingertips? And most of his lovers were after one of two things: his money or his sexual ability. None of them even bothered to make conversation with him. Just a quick bat of their eyes and a suggestive comment before arranging a time to meet.

So Lee stopped approaching women altogether. He didn't need to speak to them. He knew they'd come and find him anyway, why bother trying to seduce them? All he had to do was sit in the bar late at night, or the diner, or even the grocery store, and he'd receive multiple propositions from them. Sometimes he'd take them up on their offer if he needed to let off a bit of steam after work, but most of the time he just ignored them. It almost became too boring for him.

As he got older, his little rendevous became less frequent and the only offers he received were from prostitutes. All the women his age didn't interest him anymore and those who did were already married with multiple children by now. Desperate for release, he'd meet with the women from Tecumseh, taking them for a drive in his police cruiser. He'd pay them upfront but wait for them to actually make a move. If they didn't, he'd offer to take them home. Lee didn't want to pressure them into anything, knowing that all of them just needed the money and were not attracted to him.

But he knew the prostitutes didn't care. As long as he kept paying them, he could keep seeing them. So Lee stopped caring. He knew at this point that no one would ever be attracted to him for his personality and his looks had been slowly diminishing.

He knew he'd become less attractive as he aged: the picture from the day he received his deputy badge constantly reminded him of that. A few grey hairs, the beginnings of wrinkles and the most obvious change: his weight. After being elected all those years ago, he'd stopped going out on patrol with the deputies, instead being forced to sit at his desk for hours, sorting through paperwork. The only time he'd have to leave was for his daily visits to the diner. It killed two birds with one stone: he needed to eat and he needed to keep the support of the town.

Usually, he'd meet with one of the women twice a week, but it'd been over five weeks since he'd seen any of them. Because he'd met you.

Oh, how he wished he was an artist so that he could perfectly capture your beauty and preserve it in paint. The first time he saw you, he thought he'd died and an angel was sent to escort him to heaven. A captivating smile was etched across your face as you gestured for him to take a seat, bringing the diner menu over to him and taking out your notepad. He'd been so mesmerised that he barely managed to say his order but you only returned his speechlessness with a small laugh.

It might have sounded crazy, especially as he'd only met you once and had struggled to even talk to you, but he knew from that moment that he needed to be with you. Not just for a one-night stand. But in a relationship. He wanted you to grow old with him. And he wanted to actually try this time.

He knew he didn't want you to sleep with him immediately, so instead, he arranged for Estelle (that may have been her name) to take a drive with him later that evening. But once he was inside her, his face glistening after making her come undone with only his mouth, your name was the only sound apart from deep groans echoing around the car. It felt like he was betraying you by sleeping with her, so he'd stopped meeting with the other women at all.

Lee Bodecker One-shots (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now