4 - I'm sorry for being like this

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Glancing at the bedside clock, you opened the drawer and grabbed the kitchen knife Lee insisted you keep near you. For safety, he'd said. You couldn't imagine what could be so dangerous that your bed needed a weapon, but you'd agreed anyway-anything for your sweetheart. And it was proving to be quite helpful at that present moment.

A loud pounding against the front door had initially woken you but it was the sound of a handle turning that prompted you to arm yourself. Who could be at the door at two in the morning? You crept silently out of your room and stepped into the dark hallway. Not wanting to alert the intruder, you relied on the moonlight to guide you down the stairs. Part of you was frightened at the thought of a burglar - you didn't have many possessions, so if they robbed you, you'd struggle immensely.

But part of you was curious as to who would dare to enter your home without permission. You were dating the Sheriff for God's sake. He'd practically paraded you around town, proud that he'd finally managed to convince you to date him. No one would be stupid enough to harm you. Would they?

You finally reached the front door and decided to stand your ground. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, courage rose in your chest and you were comforted by the blade still in your grip. It would be best to deter them before they managed to break in.

"I am going to give you one chance to leave. I am armed and will not hesitate to defend myself and my property," you spoke calmly, hoping the trespasser would heed your warning.

"Oh darling," the voice spoke, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Lee, why did you not just unlock the door?"

"It's very dark sweetheart," he chuckled, "I was trying."

You unlocked it for him and turned the hallway light on. He smiled down at you, his lips brushing against yours as he walked in. Taking his coat and hat, you walked to the kitchen and he sat down with a grunt.

"Do you want anything to eat Lee?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

"Are you on the menu gorgeous?" he grinned as you rolled your eyes, "I also wouldn't say no to anything sweet if you've got it."

"I made a cherry pie for you earlier. It'll be cold now but should still be good."

"Everything you make tastes good darling."

Smiling to yourself, you served up a healthy portion of the pie and poured him some water to accompany his late-night snack. Knowing him, he wouldn't have drunk anything but coffee the entire day. You hoped he would have at least eaten the sandwich you'd packed him, instead of working through his lunch break again.

You walked towards where Lee was sitting and almost dropped the plate when you saw his face. A mixture of dried and fresh blood painted his cheek, seeming to flow from a small gash near his jaw. Bruises dotted his skin and his right eye was swollen. His nose looked as if it had been broken and he'd reset it himself. You knew his job could be dangerous but this was a whole other level.

"Lee," you breathed slowly, "Who did this to you?"

He didn't meet your eyes as he spoke, "Just a little trouble with my re-election campaign sweetheart," you knew that meant Leroy and his goons, "Nothing to worry about."

"Of course, I am going to worry about you Lee. You have just walked in, beaten black and blue, and expect me not to be concerned," you cupped his cheek and tilted his head to look at you. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes. "Let me clean you up."

"I'm fine darling," he lied, "It's just a surface wound, it will heal by itself."

"That doesn't matter Lee. I want to help you."

He stopped arguing as you went to collect your first aid kit. Dabbing the wet cloth against his face, the tears finally trickled down his face. You continued to wash away the blood allowing him to sob quietly. When his face was clean, or cleaner than it was, you placed the dressing over his jaw, hoping that would keep any infections out. Softly kissing the bandage, you started to pack up the now scattered medical supplies. Lee grasped your wrist.

"Please come here sweetheart," he begged.

Pulling you onto his lap, your legs straddled his hips and your head rested against his shoulder. He continued to weep as he held you close to him. You didn't realise how touch-starved you both were until his hands wrapped around your waist. It had only been a few days since you cuddled. His uniform began to crinkle as you lay on it, but he didn't seem to care. Neither of you spoke as you enjoyed the comfort of the embrace.

After what felt like hours, Lee mumbled something that was muffled by your hair.

"What was that darling?" you asked softly.

He moved his head out from your shoulder, "I'm sorry for being like this."

"Oh, baby. You never need to apologise for crying or being vulnerable or expressing emotions," he always felt guilty for being emotional, "This is why I am here. To listen to you, to help you, to comfort you. Nothing you do will ever drive me away."

"But I'm supposed to man up and deal with it," he looked down again, "I'm not supposed to burden you with my feelings."

"I do not know who told you this, but they are wrong. You are not supposed to do anything. You are allowed to feel things. You are allowed to express those feelings in healthy ways. Like crying. Which is okay," rage began to rise in you, "If I ever find who made you believe this, trust me, they won't be able to speak ever again."

Lee smiled up at you, "I know you would darling. And I love you for it."

"I love you too Lee. Now if you stop feeling bad for having emotions, we can go to bed and cuddle," you pleaded.

"Okay, okay sweetheart," he stood up, clutching your legs as you tried to balance in his arms, "Thank you for comforting me."

You leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He melted under your touch, letting out a small moan.

"Darling, if you keep that up we might have to delay the cuddling."

"That's the plan Lee," you grinned.

Lee Bodecker One-shots (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now