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I come everyday to the sea

From the other end of the town, 

And between the distance, amid the crowd, 

Few Faces shout aloud, 

Faces mirroring mine, 

Faces that no more shine.

May be they too had a molten past, 

Like the year last, 

may be they too long for the sea, and

Seek solace in her serene beauty.

But the faces don't frighten me, 

For they wink, 

Like a baby cute

As I know a simple truth, 

That ages ago, a mother's womb had burst, 

And many like me were scattered all over, 

Names different, faces covered, 

Going somehere, , walking free

Bleeding on a predestined destiny 

And so in disguise the mother tells me, 

I am them, they are me. 

Incandescent NightfallWhere stories live. Discover now