Ch 4. A Trip Down Memory Lane - Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Hisashi frowned at the memories, he didn't know how long it had been since he passed out and appeared in the void of One For All...but it was long enough that all seven One For All users had gathered to the area in which his memories were playing for all to see. He suspected showing his memories is what One For All had wanted, but why was beyond Hisashi's comprehension.

"I think, the Quirk wishes for me to reveal my past at least to some extent." Hisashi stated with a sigh, earning surprised looks from the others.

"Are you sure, brother?" Yoichi asked and he just ignored them, waving his hand and the memories flew by until one of the earliest ones came to a stop directly in front of him and the other seven.

He allowed the memory to play, it was just after had given Yoichi the Stockpile Quirk and he had been so relieved that they woke up. He had not seen the signs of anything being wrong, not until nearly a month later when his brother tricked him into the Vault and preceded to mentally and physically torture him.


Hisashi let out a cry of pain as another of his fingers were broken, tears were running down his cheek at this point and he was desperate to know why his brother was acting like this. He knew something was seriously wrong with his little brother, but to torture another living person was a line his brother hadn't even entertained the thought of before.

"Y-Yoichi please, why are you doing this?" Hisashi questioned through gritted teeth, despite being in so much pain he couldn't help but worry about his little brother.

The same little brother who loved Heroes, who always wanted to be a Hero. This was not that brother, he didn't know what happened to them, but after giving them that Meta-Ability to save their life they had changed. It was the only explanation, the only possible cause of this sudden change in behaviour.

"Oh dear brother, this is all your fault." Yoichi whispered with sympathy, a sad frown on their face as he walked up and caressed his cheek lovingly." You didn't let my suffering end, so why would I do the same for you."

Hisashi didn't know what his brother meant by that, but he didn't have time to think to much on it before his brother brought down the hammer and crushed another finger. It was excruciating and all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball, but he couldn't just show weakness or his brother would win.

So he held his head up high, giving Yoichi a glare of defiance and even curling his lips in a snarl at one point. Even if it ended up with him getting punched in the jaw, he wasn't one to bow down to meagre things like this. It was just torture, he could handle that and eventually he would escape and get his brother the help they needed.


The memory faded once more, leaving most of the room in dead silence and Hisashi turned to face the seven observers, taking in their expressions carefully. It had been hard being reminded of his first torture session with his Yoichi, but for someone who hadn't lived through it, it was likely horrific.

Nana had closed her eyes when the hammer hit his finger, while Hikage and En just seemed to flinch a little. The normally goofy Daigorou was frowning, their pale blue eyes alight with concern and sympathy.

Yoichi was stiff as a board, staring at where the image of them torturing him had been only a minute earlier. It was clear they hadn't expected that, but he knew the memories would only get worse as time went on. After all, to him being tortured was a walk in the park compared to losing someone he loved, especially since love was so hard to keep a hold of for him.

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