🔮 Hesitant (Nanami Kento)

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📝 Overthinking!reader  | Slightly Suggestive 🌹

Your love language was affection. You loved and craved hugs and kisses, especially now that you were dating Nanami Kento. You knew he wasn't the affectionate type and he didn't like PDA. The farthest you both have gone in public was holding hands and you loved it. You respected that however, there were days your body burned for him. You always wondered what it was like to be in his embrace longer, to cuddle him and fall asleep in his arms. You also wondered what it felt like when he kisses different parts of your body, when his hands roam around your body. You longed for him to touch you and kiss you, however, you felt embarrassed to ask him such a thing. Yes you've hugged and kissed several times but you wanted it to be frequent and longer. It was alright even if it were private. You just didn't know how to confront Nanami about this since you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

You talked about this to your friends and they told you to just be honest with him. It took you a few days until you felt ready. You entered the living room and saw Nanami on the chair reading a book while sipping his coffee and eating a slice of cake. You wanted to give him a back hug but you felt he might get uncomfortable. So you softly called his name while you placed your hand lovingly on his shoulder. "Yes, love?" he asks. You loved the endearing names he gave you. "I-" you suddenly stopped feeling nervous. Why was it so hard to ask him for a simple hug?? "What is it, dear?" he asks, his attention turned to you. "I- I would like to ask i-if I c-could g-give you a h-hug" you asked nervously, looking down. The silence made you even more anxious but was soon washed away when you felt a warm embrace surround you. You opened your eyes and looked at him. "You don't need to ask" he whispered. His hot breath made your body shiver. It felt really nice to be in his embrace. "Is this what you were worried about?" he asks, breaking the hug. You nodded. "I thought you didn't like hugs or kisses very much. I was afraid you might not like it" you explained. "Why would I deny hugs and kisses from the woman I love?" he questions and you were at loss for words. "I would love to receive those from you. From you, and only. You" he says moving towards you to seal his lips on yours. "And those lips are mine, and only mine" he growls a little as he locks an arm around your waist and pulls you close to him, the kiss becoming aggressive. You were flustered but you didn't bother. You loved this. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you, making your way to the bedroom where your make out continued


WAAAAAAH FIRST SCENARIO HERE IN WATTPAD!!!! Okay, I've actually been writing even BEFORE! I'm just not very confident but I hope this was okay! Let me know if you got feedback ✨ 

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