~Tea Party~

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Sophia voided into her void, as she saw paranormal on the other side sitting with a tea set pouring herself and Sophia another cup, as she waited patiently for her lover's return. Sophia sat opposite Paranormal smiling brightly.

Sophia smiled nervously presenting paranormal with a 24k gold ring with a massive diamond on top. Paranormal gasped happily knowing, Sophia had the same idea as her. Paranormal suddenly presented the ring, made out of trapped tortured souls as she placed it on Sophia's finger.

They exchanged looks happily as they sipped their tea finally, Sophia plucked up the courage to ask about what happened with Sapphire.

"Well, Valentine decided to threaten with beating me, So I decided to take something she loved. I don't regret it. It was my weakest move I did not know it would actually kill her. But I know Valentine is now after my head, but the one thing she didn't count on, was you saving me!" Her voice was upbeat and cheery.

"We can not! tell anyone about this engagement, or Valentine will have both our heads~" Sophia sipped her tea laughing 

Paranormal was curious so she decided to ask about Sapphire and the lab. Sophia explained how everyone had to stay in their rooms 24/7 under constant watch. Telling her they also had to eat in their rooms and that the corridors where full of Lab security with no exceptions. As for Sapphire, Sophia told her that she was revived and how they sacrificed their brother's ashes and watch the Green and Yellow Kitsunes' faces drop when they sacrificed the ashes.

"Why so Serious?~" Paranormal laughed 

"Well after your little outburst  Valentine has been extremely cautious in case you're still on the prowl for Sapphire" Sophia sighed  

"I have a plan to get me back into the lab without getting hurt, I will send my clone to get the beating of a lifetime and then when it goes back to my room It will retreat to the smoke healing! I get away beating free and Valentine gets to think she beat me!" Paranormal cheered!

Sophia glanced up into her eyes knowing the plan was flawless, she nodded agreeing with paranormals plan

"Now let us skip this bullshit and do what you really came here to do" Paranormal giggled

She swiped the tea set on the floor clearing the table, as she winked at Sophia.

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