𝟑𝟔| 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐠 〄

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As I lay on my back, moaning in pleasure.

Aiden's strong hands roamed my body, tracing the curves of my swollen belly and hips.

"You're so beautiful, Anthea," he whispered, peppering kisses along my neck.

I giggled, feeling my hormones kick into overdrive. "I'm just a whale," I joked, but Aiden quickly silenced me with a passionate kiss.

"You're the most radiant woman I've ever seen," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

I felt a flutter of pride in my heart, knowing that he still found me attractive despite my changing body. But my thoughts were quickly scattered as Aiden's lips moved to my stomach and he pressed gentle kisses against my skin, making me shiver with pleasure.

I arched my back as Aiden's hands reached down to my panties, slipping them off with ease. He spread my legs and settled between them, his fingers expertly teasing and bringing me to the edge.I moaned as Aiden's hands roamed over my swollen belly, his lips devouring mine hungrily.

"Tell me what you want," he growled, his voice low and seductive.

I squirmed under his gaze, feeling a shiver of excitement run down my spine.

"I want you to take me," I breathed out, my heart racing with anticipation.

Without a word, Aiden flipped me over onto my stomach, his hand gripping my hip as he entered me from behind. I cried out, my body immediately responding to his dominant touch. He set a steady pace, his thrusts deep and powerful as he claimed me as his.

"You feel so good," he grunted, his hand gripping my hair as he pulled me back towards him.

I whimpered as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, my body shaking with pleasure.

He continued to move inside me, each thrust bringing me closer to the edge. Aiden leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear as he whispered dirty words that only fueled my desire.

"Come for me, bug," he said, his voice low and commanding.

And with his words, I shattered, my body convulsing as waves of pleasure washed over me. Aiden followed me over the edge, his body trembling as we both reached our release together.

We collapsed onto the bed, both of us panting and trying to catch our breath. Aiden pulled me into his arms, his hand rubbing gentle circles on my belly as we lay in silence.

"Does he know that we are in this business?" He asked me.

I hesitated at first,"um yes, it's complicated."

"Don't worry, you don't need to talk about it," he says before caressing my cheek.

"I want to," I sigh.

"He is in the business too, and I ignored it, because I really liked him, you know?" I say looking at him with glossy eyes.

"When he found out I was too, he got mad, very, very mad. He said that he couldn't be with possibly an enemy, And he told me that it's over. Then I found out I was pregnant." He let a sight before kissing my forehead.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now