[MODERN AU] Gorou and Y/n have been competing in pretty much everything for the majority of their lives, hating each other to the very core. And immediately once their sophomore year starts, Y/n finds a new competition for them: Getting a lead role...
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[Istg Im so tempted to rewrite the earlier chapters so y/n and gorou kissed in scene 19]
"You're doing it wrong."
"Wha- How!? I did exactly what you said to!"
Gorou sighed and crossed out Itto's writing, the sound of his scribbling almost echoing through the library as Itto furrowed his brows, eyes hyperfixated on the paper. He was trying to understand, but his attempts were comparable to lighting a fire with two rocks and no oxygen.
Well, maybe he'd get it at some point.
His eyes traced over Gorou's corrections and he absentmindedly listened to the boy's attempt at explaining, but it all flew straight over the oni's head. Eventually, Gorou ceased talking and rolled his eyes, knowing that his friend was off in his own world.
"Maybe it's time for a break," he sighed. "I think your brain is fizzing out."
"It is not!" Itto gasped. "...But a break sounds great."
The taller boy slammed his textbook shut and threw his pencil across the room, earning a hard glare from the librarian and he uttered a nervous chuckle before turning to Gorou, who was now completing his own homework despite declaring a break.
Itto's eyes bored into him from the side until he lifted his head, shooting him a questioning look.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"Oh! Well, ahah, I was just wondering... Where's Y/n?" Itto asked.
Gorou's hand froze in the process of writing and his brows furrowed, his ear twitching slightly at the mention of you, "She's with her friends, why?"
"Pfft, I dunno, you guys have seemed pretty clingy lately! I'm surprised you didn't bring her here! Is she still gonna stay with you and your fam, though?"
Gorou frowned, "Yeah... Last night wasn't too bad, but we still have a full week ahead of us, so I'm worried for what might happen when we get home later..."
Itto patted his shoulder, "Aw, don't worry, bro! I'm sure everything will turn out juuuuust fine."
"Uh huh..."
Meanwhile, you were sitting in Komore Teahouse with Ayaka and Thoma, awaiting your food. The bell chimed occasionally as soft lo-fi music permeated the building, boosting the calm atmosphere while casual chatter gently bounced off the walls.
"If you guys commit one more act of PDA, I'm leaving."
"What—? We're not even doing anything," Thoma said.
"Yes you are," you narrowed your eyes, staring at his arm as it laid across Ayaka's shoulders.
A look of confusion crossed his face until he realized and sheepishly brought his arm back to his side, twiddling his thumbs under the table, "I didn't notice..."