Chapter 17 - Idyne

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The glow crystals line my path to the infirmary, and the occasional window lets the waning half-moon keep watch over my progress

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The glow crystals line my path to the infirmary, and the occasional window lets the waning half-moon keep watch over my progress. Outside, the shaman's ravens swoop, keeping lookout over the castle grounds. With a shudder, I make sure to stay securely in the shadows.

When I reach the infirmary door, it's closed, fitting slightly crooked on its hinges, as if having a history of being violently thrown open. I take a deep breath. The hardest part of this will be finding what I'm looking for. The fennel will be easy; I spotted that last time I was here. But the other...

Shaudacerise. An apothecary Alaar took me to once said that any good physician should have some as a painkiller, and I figure the physician for the royals should be the best of all. The plant can be extremely toxic, though. The physician probably keeps it in one of the locked cabinets. Otherwise, curious fingers might find even more curious deaths.

I knock gently on the door to make sure that no one is awake to catch me sneaking. No one comes. I resist the urge to knock louder to double-check. I might wake someone. No, better to stay quiet while snooping.

I twist the knob, and it turns. A laugh tries to bubble up, but I shove it down. It's like the doctor wants to be stolen from. The door creaks, low and quiet, as I ease it open, and I cringe. I slide through as soon as it's wide enough and don't bother pushing it back closed. No sense in making it creak twice.

Across from me sits the stairs; Leavi should be asleep up there. On either side of the stairs are the doors. One's open, and faint candlelight shines out. Near the hearth, firelight catches on the old physician's wispy hair. I bite my tongue. I suppose that makes it harder for someone to steal.

I'm used to being where I'm not wanted, though, and catfoot to where I saw the fennel before. I easily tip it out and slide it into my right pocket. Then I move to the cabinets on the side of the room opposite the door. I doubt most people leave their potential poisons sitting close to the entrance. Each step is a careful consideration, and every time I pull to see if a cabinet door has a lock, I fight to be as quiet as possible.

"Thieves get their hands chopped off," the voices sing. "Thieves get their heads chopped off."

Unable to reprimand them, I grit my teeth and keep checking cabinets. The fourth and fifth ones are locked. A dark smile tilts my lips. It must be in one of these. I squint to read the labels through the glass. A fire across the room isn't my favorite light source, but anything more would surely wake the old man. Mistletoe, Valerian, Aloe...

There. On the second shelf of the fifth cabinet. Shaudacerise. Shade cherries.

I glance around for drawers. If I can easily get the key for this, that would be best. Pins click louder than keys, so I'll only pick it if I have to.

"Keys get your hands chopped off," they chant. "Pins get your head chopped off."

"I'm not going to get my head chopped off!" I hiss.

"Chop off her head, chop off her head!"

I glower and turn. There's a drawer directly behind me, but when I open it, only metal tools greet me. I gently sift through the pile. No key.

"Chop off her head!" they sing. "What use is it for? 'None!' Alaar said!"

I've been in here too long, and the occasional groan from the injured soldiers sounds like the death moans of shades. Every second I waste searching for a key leaves me another second closer to getting caught.

I take a deep, steadying breath. I'll have to pick it.

"Keys get your hands chopped off, pins get your head chopped off!" They giggle.

I pull two of my hairpins out, slide them into the lock, lean in, and close my eyes. In my mind, Alaar growls, If you don't steady your hands, you'll never open it!

The anger in his phantom voice drives me to prove him wrong, just like it always does. I maneuver the pins in the lock.

It clicks. I jump at the noise like thunder in the quiet, but elation sweeps me. I'm so, so close to being able to leave. I slip the pins back out and open the door, searching for where I saw the bottle a moment ago. Finding it, I reach up—

Footsteps tap behind me, and I shut the door.

"Excuse me?" a whispered voice demands. The voices fall deadly silent, and I spin, hands falling into the folds of my dress. A held candle illuminates the girl's face from below. Her reproachful eyes look out at me from sandy hair.

"Oh, thank you!" I whisper, throwing my hands into the air exasperatedly. "I thought I knew what I was looking for, but I couldn't find it."

She comes closer, eyes narrowed, and I step farther away from the cabinet.

"No one answered when I knocked, so I thought everyone must be asleep, and I just let myself in..." I trail off.

"What were you here for?"

I put a hand to my head. "I have the most dreadful headache. I couldn't get to sleep, but then I couldn't bear to wake him," I say, gesturing. "He just looked so peaceful, and with him already having to deal with this"—my hand circles in the air—"I just... "

Her face softens, lips twisting. "Come over here. But next time, if you don't see me, look for me in the back rooms, alright?"

I nod obediently. "Thank you."

After she hands me the free and pointless medicine, I thank her and slip out the door. When I slide the headache medicine into the left pocket of my dress, a hollow tink rings softly. A smile splits my face. I have the bottle I really need.

 I have the bottle I really need

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