Sura I: "Hey, That's What Family's All About Innit?"

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The piers were quiet, the eerie silence that settled over the waters made the blackness almost seem like an empty void if not for the rays shining from the lighthouse constantly turning, reminding any sentient life forms in the area that the large body of water was very much present.

"Alright everyone... we know our roles , you've done the exercises a hundred times. This time we're going to show Command we can bring back results."

Murmuring could be heard among the researchers forced to wake at such an hour, most of them being disgruntled complaints of individuals who were still in their sleep garments.

"Akua Hemolele! It's so early even though the water's still asleep."

"Haha, yeah T'Ahani's right. Look, it's not even moving one bit."

"I didn't even brush my teeth yet... Does it smell? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Dude , gross! Yes it smells just like skunk and butt , did you smoke before bed or something Gaaaah eeeW!"

A short coffee skinned feminine figure ranging about 5 feet even with an afro so large that it added an extra foot to her height scaling , wearing thick half rimmed glasses , and black clothes that were too dark to really make out what they were really wearing underneath her standard issued lab coat stepped forth to voice their own concerns in a monotonous -- almost dead tone.

"Sir, is there a reason why we are commencing the operation at this hour, we're researchers not soldiers... it's not even 6 o'clock -- the sun isn't even out yet , I can barely even see the water and I was under the impression that the operation was not until tomorrow."

"Ah yes , A'uinye... We have to prepare the submari-"

"We completed preparations yesterday."

A'uinye interjected.

The man began to sweat a little and stammer across his words as his subordinate reprimanded him about his request for everyone's presence so early in the day. In the background their coworkers could be heard instigating before the man could regain his cool.

"Get 'em, A'uinye."

"Yeah 'MOM' show him who's boss."

"Ahem... it may seem as though I may have been a tad overzealous so... why don't we just go and head to-"

"Get breakfast?"

"Er, well... not exactly but I suppo-"

"On you of course, right? Mr. Overzealous?"

"A'uinye please-"

Before he could finish rebuking the request, the other teammates began to chant in unison.

" On. The. Chief. On. The. Chief. On. The. Chief. ON! THE! CHIEF! ON! THE! CHIEF! "

The chief hung his head in defeat as the situation died down and they all went to the base's vehicle depot to get an automobile capable of taking all of them at once. Once there one of the lanky researchers wearing a onesie broke the silence.

"Shotgun Dibs."

"Uhhh...whatever the back has more leg room anyways, Ahinga."

"Ah but young grasshopper J'asia, does the back have air conditioning? Tsk Tsk."

He stood there for a moment gloating with his nose pointed up to the sky as an afro the size of a bush brisked past him and made its way into the passenger seat of the truck.

"Oi A'uinye, I called dibs you can't dib my dib !"

"Calling dibs is all talking. Taking dibs is what matters, learn from this experience young grasshopper."

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