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Ryan sighed as he opened his eyes, closing his alarm as he sat up, today was the first day of school and he felt, well, he felt like shit. He didn't want to go to school, he just wanted to get it over with without the suffering. Luckily it was his last year while it was his sisters first year of high school.

"Ryan! We're leaving in 20 minutes!" Sarah yelled as Ryan sighed, he walked over to his closet, wearing his cult damage shirt with a white sleeved undershirt, he picked out his ripped jeans and black converse. He placed his headphones into his pocket, walking to the kitchen to grab a peice of toast. Sarah was waiting outside with her skateboard in her hand, Ryan grabbed his before skating to school.

It was something he and his sister enjoyed to do, skate around listening to music or gossiping with eachother.

"There's a new guy at school in your grade." Sarah looked at Ryan, looking for his reaction. Ryan raised his eyebrow at the girl.

"And, how do you know that?" Ryan asked the girl who shrugged. Ryan rolled his eyes before turning back at the girl.

"Maddie told me, she's the vice principals daughter, remember?" Sarah shrugged as Ryan groaned. He's probably gonna be one of those people who bully and become friends with the popular people. The Queen Bee's and the Jocks. This is why he hung out with
Laura and Max, they were the typical trope. Sweet, innocent guy and strong, independent girl. They pretty much completed eachother.

"Good luck Ryan!" Sarah yelled as she walked into her class. Ryan sighed as he walked over to his locker he took put his physics book because the smartass who decided he'd take physics at 8 am did not plan on him falling asleep, well, he will. Its planned he can't change it.

He walked over to Physics, spotting Laura in Bio and Max in Chem. Kaylee was in Math. So everyone was suffering except Caleb who well had already graduated. He walked in the classroom and taking his usual seat at the back. Spon after, Jacob and Nick took a seat at the back. Yet, they left a seat between them. Ryan knew he freaked everyone out, especially with the rumors spread about him, how he was interested in wichcraft and satanism which was more then false.

He looked up as Ms. Warren entered the room writing her name. "Hello students! I'll be your teacher for this year!" She chirped, Ryan looked up from his notebook, he sighed before opening his textbook. "Before we begin, I'd like to introduce our new student! You can come in here now!"

Ryan watched as a hansom man walked in. When Ryan said hansom, he ment it. He had brown fluffy hair, brown eyes and wad tall. He had a sheepish grin as he walked in. Ryan was starstruck.

"Hi! I'm Dylan, and I'm new, you guys obviously knew that." He smiled as he looked around the classroom. Jacob and Nick seemed to perk up at the guy. A new victim or ally.

Ryan sighed as he watched the boy walk down and plop next to him. He'd probably talk to them first, not him, he'd probably join them on the provoking and bullying.

"Hey. I'm Dylan." Dylan whispered at the boy, Ryan looked confused. Wait. He talked to him? Why would he walk to talk to him?

"Ryan." Ryan whispered. Dylan smiled at the boy before turning back to the class. Ryan sighed, he had no clue what he was doing, but he was doing it. "Do you want to join me and my friends for lunch?"

"I'd love to." Dylan smiled at the boy. Ryan nodded turning around to listen to Mrs. Warren. Dylan seemed interested in the lesson. He even participated a few times. Which made Jacob whisper to Nick. Ryan rolled his eyes at the boy as Dylan passed him a note.

0176-. Wait. That's a phone number. Dylan gave him his phone number. Ryan smiled at the boy who focused on his notes. He placed the note into his pocket, he wanted lunch to start. He was actually happy he went to school today.

'Uh oh, I'm falling in love.'

Uh Oh, I'm Falling In love - RylanWhere stories live. Discover now