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Dylan sighed as he closed his locker, walking towards the cafeteria. Atleast he was having lunch with the hottest guy he's seen in his whole life. He walked in, looking for Ryan. He rolled his eyes as he saw the two Jocks from physics class walking towards him.

"Hey, Dylan right?" The muscular one asked. "I'm Jacob."

"Yup, that's my name." Dylan answered.

"How about we throw you a welcoming party! My parents are out of town!" Jacob exclaimed. He looked over to the other boy. "Isn't that right Nick?"

"Sure?" The Australian squinted his eyes. Dylan smiled at the two.

"I guess if I'm free, hey do you know where Ryan is?" Dylan asked the boy who's eyes widened.

"You shouldn't hang out around him. I heard, he's into witchcraft and satanism, he probably sacrificed his parents." Jacob whispered. Dylan stared at the boy unfazed.

"Yeah, sure. Oh, there he is now. See you later!" Dylan walked off, sitting infront of Ryan. He looked back to find the two boys staring at him, they walked off, giving glances at Dylan.

"What did those assholes want?" A blonde scoffed. "I'm Laura, that's Max."

"Dylan, I'm new." Dylan nodded. "They wanted to throw me a party then told me some bullshit about Ryan." Dylan quickly shut up as he realized that Ryan was infront of him.

"Shit, they told you the rumors didn't they, I swear they're fake." Ryan mumbled as he hit his head on the table.

"Yeah I had a feeling, I mean, you seem all tough and shit but you don't seem the satanic type." Dylan smiled as he looked at his phone. "You guys mind if my friend joins us?"

"I don't mind." Max shrugged. "As long as I can get that dick cause damn you're fine."

"I'm single and even if I wasn't I'd take that meat cause damn those eyes!" Dylan joked. The two boys laughed as he turned the the blonde who shrugged.

"If she's a bitch, I'm kicking her ass." Laura answered causing Dylans eyes to widen. He nodded before turning back to Ryan who smiled.

"Okay, I'll tell her then." Dylan smiled as he grabbed his phone, texting his friend.

"Hey dickwad." A short girl smacked Dylans head.

"Hey kitty, guys this is Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, meet Laura, Max and Ryan." Dylan introduced the girl. She had a short haircut and well, was short. Way shorter then Dylan was was 6'2.

"Hi." Kaitlyn sat beside Dylan, ruffling his hair. "So, how'd you guys meet Dylweed?"

"Physics class." Ryan answered. He didn't feel comfortable talking, yet when Dylan flashed him his smile, he wanted to talk to the boy for hours and hours.

"I just met Laura and Max." Dylan answered. "Kaits been my friend since daycare, we went to different schools till I left mine.

"He went from private to public school." Kaitlyn scoffed. "You should have stayed."

"You know I couldn't." Dylan answered.

"I would have kicked D in the fucking face." Kaitlyn muttered before taking a bite from her sandwich. "Aren't you the Ryan that's into wichery?"

"That's fake." Ryan groaned as he hit his head on the table. Again.

"Sorry." Kaitlyn winced. "I was new last year so I have no fucking clue about what's true and what isn't."

"It's fine." Ryan muttered.

"Well, I gotta go get my extra English assignment so, have fun?" Dylan stood up, taking his backpack with him as he walked off Ryan noticed the jock follow him.

"Seriously." Ryan groaned before standing up, walking towards the group.

"He's bad news." Jacob whispered as he walked beside Dylan. Dylan rolled his eyes before turning around, facing the boy.

"I seriously don't give a shit, so you better back off or else I'll become bad news." Dylan threatened as he walked off. Ryan smiled as he walked back. Dylan was protecting him. He didn't even know anything about the boy yet he was protecting him.

Dylan walked into his English classroom, staring at Mr. Hackett. "Why hello Dylan."

Uh Oh, I'm Falling In love - RylanWhere stories live. Discover now