Chapter 13 (D-Arc): A Shocking Performance

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O'Leary had just gotten back from her break to find the OSC building in complete chaos and several bodies strewn around the first floor. Alarmed, she rushed down into the basement to check on Monica, only to realize that she had escaped. While staring at the now-empty prison apparatus, she used her phone to contact Burnstone. 

"Sir.....we may have a super out of containment," she admitted. 

"What?!" Burnstone exclaimed. "She got out?" He began panicking. "No, no, no, no, no, this is not good! What's gonna happen to our press if the public finds out that someone who can cause so much destruction escaped on our watch?!" 

"Calm down, sir," O'Leary advised. "A girl with powers as flashy as hers will have trouble staying hidden. She'll practically lead us right to her.....if we're patient, that is." 

"What do you mean?" her superior inquired. 

"Just keep an eye out for erratic lightning patterns whenever you're outside," she suggested. "If you see any, it's most likely her." 

Burnstone buried his face in his hands and shook his head in disappointment. "I hope you're right, O'Leary....and we still haven't located that other super yet, either. If we're unable to properly secure the enhanced individuals we capture, then what's the point of this organization?!" 

"Sir, we are a covert branch of the Department of Homeland Security that was installed a few years ago following the catastrophe on the Space Needle. Our instructions were to seek out and detain any supers in order to keep the peace and prevent them from causing destruction," O'Leary responded. 

"Right. But right now, we're not doing a very good job at it," Burnstone admitted. "Just call an ambulance or two to take care of the deceased. I'll help you when I get back to the building." 

With that, Burnstone hung up and put away his phone. 


Meanwhile, Monica and Herman had managed to fight their way out of the building, and successfully exited the headquarters through the back door. "Dude, that was sick!" Herman exclaimed. "It was like.....straight out of an action movie!" 

" really was something, wasn't it?" Monica replied. 

Herman took a few seconds to catch his breath. "So....what's the plan? We know where your brother is stationed at nowadays. Couldn't we just pay him a visit?" 

Monica shook her head. "Unfortunately, I don't exactly look a lot like a normal person anymore, so we'd likely be set upon by security in seconds if we were to just walk in. I could take care of everyone easily, but then we'd end up causing a panic and Duncan would be more likely to evacuate." 

"What are we going to do, then?" 

The girl took Herman's hand, causing him slight physical pain. "This way," she said as she ran off, dragging Herman behind her. 


Soon, the two partners found themselves in a large area filled with massive, vertical electric coils. Several metal beams, fuse boxes, big hollow tubes, and pieces of wiring were suspended every which way, and there was also a maintenance building nearby. 

"Whoa...." Herman mused in awe. "Where are we?" He shook his hand to try and relieve the stinging sensation that the girl's hand had given him. 

Monica smiled. "The Mercury Heights Power Grid." 

The boy gasped. "What? No way! This is literally the perfect spot for you and I to face Duncan at! He won't stand a chance!" 

The electric girl nodded. "It's usually abandoned most of the time, so here---I'll let you use the maintenance building as your own little base of operations. It's already filled with technology; everything you need should likely already be inside." 

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