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     I waited to feel his hands close around my neck. For my breathing to cease and for my lungs to stop. Stop acting like a small child, do something. I felt my Sharingan flare as time slowed down. I saw Jigens movements, as they were quick and concise with pointed effect.

     "He really is trying to kill me." I thought aloud as I knew he was aiming for the center of my chakra. My mouth pulled up into a wicked grin as he got closer by the second.

     "I would like to see you try." I muttered as I let him get in proximity to me. Just as he went to strike me with a fatal blow, the chidori flared quickly and suddenly in my hand. Jigen couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes as it hit him hard in the stomach. Right on target I thought victoriously.

     "Foolish girl." Jigen whispered as before he was about to be blown back by the force. I had a sickening feeling I knew what was coming next as I tried to move my body quickly. Unfortunately, one caught me square in the stomach and I felt my body fill with pain. I screamed in agony as the rod drove me by force to the ground.

     I felt the intensity of the my Chakra being sucked out of my body. My vision started to cloud over as my head was swimming. Somewhere far away, I heard the screams of Boruto, possibly calling my name, but I felt too weak to deal with it. The only thing I knew was throbbing and intense pain, pulsing its way into my veins.

     "Come on Sarada, you have been through worse before, you have to get up." I whispered as I tried for a motivational pep talk for myself. Through the pain, I knew I needed to use my brain to get out of this situation. Maybe my Sharigan? I know it does something with copying. I thought as a wave of nausea hit me. I knew the answer to fix my issue was right in front of me, but my body was slipping quickly.

     As gently as I could, I focused on the rod in my stomach and remembered what signs he used. I quickly shrank the rod back down to its small size and immediately started to close the hole in my stomach. But blood rushed from the wound sight quicker than anticipated and I felt even sicker than before. Well that was a horrible idea. I thought as my vision began to swim again.

     I glanced over to the middle of the field and found Boruto engaged in angry combat with jigen. Thats why he hasn't come back over to finish my off, Boruto is protecting me again. I couldn't tell if it was because of my wound, but I felt my pulse quicken. Calm down Sarada, I scolded, focus. I took a deep breathe and tried to fix myself before I bled out any further. 

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