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     "SARADA" as white hot fiery spread throughout my body. Sarada thankfully seemed to come to her senses. She turned around quickly, her sharingan activated as she landed a lighting fast punch on Jigen.

     "Chaaaaa nauru damn it" she screamed with fury as she sent him sparling backwards. Jigen came to a stop only when he hit a tree. I saw the blood rush from his mouth with a coughing motion as it sprayed his surroundings. When he lifted his head up, Jigen's eyes had narrowed in anger. One could sense the waves of fury rolling off of him with every breathe he took.

     "Oh my child, you really shouldn't have done that." Jigen spoke to Sarada like she couldn't understand english.

     "I see you spoiled brats are all the same." Jigen muttered as he came back to us at a dizzying speed. He grabbed me by the throat and I felt my eyes go wide with surprise. I felt like one of those toys a kid could buy that the eyes would pop out of when one squeezed it. Expect this was real life and I was no squeezable doll. "I guess I don't need you in one piece when I feed you to the ten tails, now do I?" Jigen almost seemed to be asking me a question as he set me down and patted my head like one would a dog. "But your friend over there seems more fun to play with." He grinned as I saw him make his way over to Sarada.

     "You leave her alone." I tried to speak in between coughing air back into my lungs, but it was hard to sound threatening when you were choking on nothing.

     "Oh, does that bother you?" Jigen questioned me mockingly, looking Sarada up and down as if she were a piece of meat. "Well my dear, you don't need to be alive at all. I believe your papa would be very sad to see his daughter dead, now wouldn't he?"

     The shock was evident on her face when he hit us with that one liner."But how?" was all I heard come out of her mouth when he lunged forward. At that moment, I knew he was done messing around. 

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