Hi! I'm Cassie Jones . The perfect seventh grader girl. I get straight A+'s in all my subjects (I was offered to skip to grade 12 but refused). My parents adore me but are very busy causing me to go to a boarding School. And all my teachers say that I'm the most well behaved student in my school . The only thing you could say against me is that I'm lonely because I spend all my school breaks studying , what everyone assumes is Maths or English . Really it's the plans of the assassination of the young prince of England: James Windard the third.
Okay I'm Just gonna wind back and explain why a sweet little innocent seventh grader is doing with plans to kill the heir of England . Here's how it happened:
Boredom. It's all I felt as the teacher (Mr. Mellings) droned on about fractions and algebra, his two favorite topics in math. Even if the topic was probability he would still drone on about what 4x - 78y + 7t is or something like that. After many long minutes of Mr. Mellings explaining what the y-intercept was, he announced that the whole school would be taking place in a mandatory Australian wide assessment. This peaked some people's interest and made others groan in frustration. A girl in my class named Mille Southland raised her hand and called out "What's the prize for winning? Is it money or a large statue of whoever wins in front of the Senate, I wouldn't mind becoming the next Prime Minister of Australia either ."I gritted my teeth. Mille Southland always thought she was the best at everything. Spoiler Alert: she wasn't. Even though she had a D- average and got straight F's in P.E (which she said was because making sure that her hair was perfect was more important the running laps of the school oval and get her new sneakers dirty), she believed that one day, in the near future, the whole world would worship her.
"If you would refrain from calling out Miss Southland," The whole class sniggered at that (even though she was the most popular girl in school no-one could put up with her prissy attitude for long)," I could give you the information booklet for the first round". As he handed them around, I wondered why this assessment was being held. It hadn't been on the news, why would they start assessing all students in Australia now and (even though I hate to admit it)Mille was right, what was the prize for winning if there even was one?
I was abruptly interrupted from my thoughts by one of the smelly boys in my class , who had thrown the booklet at my head . I gave him a death glare, then turned my gaze to the booklet. It was rather thin, had a large photo of the Senate house on the front cover and in a bold font it said 'Year 7 TAWK-RA instructions booklet'. It read:
Dear student ,
In your hands is the booklet for TAWK-RA (The Australia Wide Knowledge Retrieval Assessment). All students from grade 7 to grade 10 will participate in this assessment. It will contain the six following sections: Maths, English, History, Science, Drama and Physical Education (P.E).
The following timetable is for Year 7 at Hardon High School :
Maths: 9:00-10:00 am , Tuesday this week - 59 questions
English: 11:00-12:00 am , Tuesday this week - 58 questions
Science: 2:00-3:00 pm , Tuesday this week - 57 questions
History: 9:00-10:00 am , Wednesday this week - 56 questions
Drama: 11:00-12:00 am , Wednesday this week - practical assessment
Physical Education: 2:00-3:00 pm, Wednesday this week - first 45 minutes are practical / 15 minutes at the end for assessment - 20 questions
You will be required to attend all assessments as it is mandatory. Only those who finish with full marks in all six categories will move on to the next round. All assessments except for P.E and Drama will be hell in the pavillion.
Thank you,
Audrey Seelen Mullins - Prime Minister of Australia
I looked at the paper disbelievingly. How on earth were we meant to get full marks on all the assessments? It was a nearly impossible task. Still looking at the paper with confusion, I raised my hand. After a few moments Mr. Mellings pointed towards me, signaling that I could ask my question . "Sir, if we have to finish it with all correct marks , well that's an almost impossible feat". He just smiled at me knowingly (which was quite infuriating) and replied, "Well just like you said 'an almost impossible feat' So that means that some people will be able to do it, you just need to decide If that's going to be you."
I thought about what he said, considering his weird obsession of Algebra and Fraction, they were quite wise words. After class (which was English ,even though we learnt how to perfectly explain what algebra is and how to enter into an equation in an essay) I decided that I would accept Mr. Mellings wise words and be one of the people to get to round two. I walked up to my dorm room which I shared with (can you even believe it?) Little Miss Prissy (aka. Mille Southland). I find it so unfair that I had to share a room with her. I had even wrote a note to the school board saying that I found it difficult to concentrate on my studies with Miss Southland's constant rants about her hair products (I made it sound as kind as I could so I wouldn't tarnish my reputation) but I never got a reply.
As I entered the room, I was greeted by Mille yelling "I dibs the study desk today, as I am going to win and go to round two of TAWK-RA". I sighed and replied "sure, whatever" and grabbed my clothes to go have a shower. I knew that little miss prissy would give up in about 10 minutes because she normally realizes that a hair on her head is out of place and runs to the bathroom to fix it for the next hour or two.
Just as I predicted, 12 minutes later I heard her banging at the door begging to be let in. I smiled as I got changed slowly (I just loved being mean even though I seem to innocent to even say 'what the heck') and opened the door, causing her to fall face flat on the floor of the bathroom. She gave me a scathing look then pounced towards the hair brush and started to furiously undo her high ponytail.
I walked back to the study desk and cleared the one notebook that belonged to Mille. It turned out that she had been only drawing what she called the hottest boy on earth: James Windard the third. I have no idea what she sees in him, all I see is a stuck up little boy who will, unfortunately rule England one day . But that doesn't matter as he is in England and I am in Australia.
After dumping the notebook on her bed, I went to place my piles of my study books on the desk. I stretched, then picked up a pen. I then whispered to myself: "I am going to get to round two".
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Chapter 1 ! :)
Hope you liked chapter 1 of Kill On Sight.
Word Count: 1290 (Will increase/Decrease with editing)

Kill On Sight (Assassin Chronicles 1)
Mystery / ThrillerCassie Jones. That one girl in the seventh grade that fits in so perfectly into any situation, that no-one notices her. She is pictured as a role model. The perfect daughter. The perfect student (or in her case child genius). And to S-FIT (A secret...