"Beep, Beep, Beep".
That was the sound of my alarm waking me up. I reached out to hit the button on top so I get some more sleep but it wasn't there. I reached out causing me to topple over and fall face flat on to the floor. I realised that I had fallen asleep in my chair, which was now on the floor, tangled in my legs. I got up and searched for the alarm clock.
I found it in the hands of a very disgruntled looking Mille Southland. As she handed it to me she told me that if she didn't get her beauty sleep then her mind would not be ready to win first place only second or third, when she wasn't looking I rolled my eyes. Only Mille Southland would believe that her so called 'beauty sleep' was enough to make her win whatever she wanted. She acted as if she would become a child prodigy if she was at her most beautiful state.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:30 am. "Dammit" I whispered, in 30 minutes the math component of the assessment will start. I quickly got changed and rushed out into the corridor ignoring the taunts from Mille that I was going to be late to the assessment. It was rather ironic because if any one was going to be late it was Mille herself.
I charged down the stairs, jumping three steps at a time. I rushed into the examination hall and called out my name as it had just been called out by Mr.Mellings. After he had marked the attendance, Mr.Mellings began his speech:
"Today we are going to complete the math component of the assessment. You will all complete the assessment in silence. Anyone who talk throughout the assessment will be automatically disqualified. As you have been informed, only those who get 100% in all exams get to move on to round two. Only a pencil, sharpener and eraser will will be available throughout the assessment. You will leave everything outside the examination hall as you will be supplied with everything you need. If anyone is caught cheating they will be disqualified. You have been each assigned a table. Your table number will be the same throughout all assessments. You will enter the hall in silence and sit at your assigned table when I call your name and your table number."
And with that he started to call out the names of students in alphabetical order. When he got to the J's he called out my name, "Jones, Cassie: number 83". I dumped my stuff outside the building, then rushed into the examination hall. It looked different from what it usually looked like. There were about 100 desks, all with a pencil, eraser, assessment paper and sharpener on each desk. All the desks were 1 meter apart, which gladended me since a lot of the kids in my grade would copy someone else's work in an instant.
I walked over to my desk and sat down, looking at the booklets front cover. On it, it said:
The TAWK-RA Mathematics Assessment Booklet
- No Notes or calculators are permitted in the examination hall during the assessment.
- Any cheating or calling out during the assessment will result in disqualification.
- Teachers are not permitted to help students with anything that is academically related to the assessment.
- You will get no more or less than 60 minutes to complete the assessment.
- If you leave the examination hall at any time during the assessment, no matter the reason you will be disqualified.
- All questions are to be answered. All who fail to do this will be disqualified.
I thought the rules were rather harsh but they were fair, since anyone who isn't smart enough to follow those rules are certainly not going to come even close to moving on to round two. Unless they were those idiotic geniuses in books that were only smart because they been genetically given smarts but I doubt anyone at or school is a genetic genius.
Kill On Sight (Assassin Chronicles 1)
Mystery / ThrillerCassie Jones. That one girl in the seventh grade that fits in so perfectly into any situation, that no-one notices her. She is pictured as a role model. The perfect daughter. The perfect student (or in her case child genius). And to S-FIT (A secret...