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i. crawl


stygian, polished tiled floor
as foot of multiple students
stomps the youth curled on
the ground, covering itself,
eyes squeezed tight shut in
hopes for it to stop.

   Ryota Suzui has lost.

Indebted, branded as an
filthy bug below the feet
and land of the humans
of the high kingdom he's
at called school.

An alma mater attended by
childrens of known affluent
individuals, entrepreneurs,
and inspiring, predominant 
legistators since its inception.

They don't evaluate their pupils
by extracurriculars, such things
weren't important, for humans
destined for power over others.

Negotiation, well-versed in
tactics, reading a opponent,
strength to grasp triumphs,
even if it mean stepping on
other people.

   How will they obtain that?


Forced to roll to his back,
eyes squeezed still shut, one
of the tormentors pulls out a
milk carton, ripping it open.

Funky smelled, cold liquid
splashes on the face of the
indebted youth then to his

Milk dribbles down his
skin, seeps on his shirt
and vermillion blazer as
the thrown milk carton
slapped his face.

Deriding laughters and
whoopings of the wealthy
clique of men sounded
inside the silent restroom.

Scared, the brunette kept
his eyes shut, not until the
stall door at the end of the
restroom swung open and
click shut.

"Move along, pal." One
growled at the student.

Sharp greys remained its
gaze on the youth on the
ground peeking through
the curtain black fringes.

Without a reply, the man
ripped his gaze off Suzui
and walked off the scene.

A blood marble ball fall,
rolling to one's forearm.

"That asshole really. . Jeez."
One of the students sighed
in disatisfaction, "Now the
mood is gone!"

"Hey," Nudged Suzui on the
torso, twice "Melon pans at
lunch break. Got it?"

"G-Got—" Ryota gulped as
the boys suddenly barked,
howled down at his being,
mockering him and laugh,
leaving with a slam of the

Gulping. Taking one deep
breath, restless eyes open
and stare up at the ceiling,
silently reminding hisself
that everything's gonna be
alright even if it won't.

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