Mending Hearts Back- II

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Ram's loud voice echoed around the hall and Priya looked baffled. But she knew that he wasn't going to let her off the hook easily.

"Mr.Kapoor, I know that I am your culprit but please at least give me a chance to apologize. I kept you away from your daughter and kept her away from you too. Both of you deserve each other's love and I deserve a punishment. I am sorry Mr. Kapoor. Please forgive me" She went ahead and held his hands in her tight grasp.

"What all should I forgive you for?" He asked and she looked surprised.

"And why should I forgive you? Instead, I should be the one to ask for forgiveness, nahi?"

A surprised Priya then asked him. "Why should you ask for forgiveness Mr. Kapoor?"

"Yeah, because I failed. I failed as a husband. Even after loving you, I couldn't get you to trust me. There have very few instances where you have trusted me Priya. And I don't know why is that"

"It's not like that Mr. Kapoor. I trust you" Priya reasoned amidst her tears.

"Is it? You made Shivi run away and get married to Akshay without my knowledge. I tried explaining things to you and all you did was get angry and not let me explain. Then you again misunderstood me for the annulment papers. I know that those papers were wrong but you again didn't let me speak. I know that I misunderstood you on my birthday and I sincerely apologized for that. Then after that, you got angry on me in the Anjali matter for not believing on you. Like you, I am also a human. Everything happened in front of my eyes. I believed what I saw. We were still exploring our relationship Priya and I would have trusted you if you could have proved it to me. You said one thing and your witness, that Anjali entirely contradicted you. A rational person would have naturally believed her. The moment I came to know I was wrong I did apologize for it, didn't I? And still, you were angry on me"

Priya flinched as the tone of Ram's voice went on increasing with each sentence that he spoke.

"Mr. Kapoor" She tried to speak but he ignored it.

"Not only that, you also hid the truth to save family members of yours like Neeraj. Seriously Priya! I can't believe it. And then your mother as well. She supported her first son-in-law despite knowing that he is a criminal. I repeatedly kept asking her, requesting her and yet she remained unfazed. You then took your nephew's blame on yourself not even thinking for a minute about me, about our relationship. And that too, a nephew you didn't even meet for years. Marvelous! All of you deserve an applause" Meera, Ishaan, Sara, Maitri and Sandy had their head bent down in shame. None of them could deny whatever Ram had said. Each and everytime, they had used him like a bait. Their family had ultimately only ruined the man who had always supported them against their enemies.

"I don't understand why do you Soods always support the wrong and then proclaim that you always side with the truth. Truth to be told, I am always surrounded by hypocrites like you"

"Ram, if you trusted Priya so much, why did you let her go to jail? Why did you not do a paternity test? Where did your trust disappear?" Krish intervened seeing how vulnerable Priya and her family looked.

Ram let out a dry laugh. "Wohi mein sochu tumne ab tak kuch bola kaise nahi? It has been so much time and the advocate of the Sood family is quiet. Well, Mr. Dixit, I will put all your answers to rest"

Ram said confidently and made his way towards Krish. "Do you understand human psychology, human emotions Krish? My little sister, my baby, my Shivi took her last breaths in my lap. I was broken, I was shattered. Shivi just wasn't my sister, she was the reason of happiness before Priya came. My life at home revolved around her. And then suddenly, your jagatmaata Ms. Priya Sood confessed of killing her. Of course, I was angry but I believed that she didn't do it. She was trying to protect someone. Just at that time, I didn't know who. She again kept mum. Didn't say anything. You weren't there at that time. Then again at police station, I asked her. That time, you were there and you know how then as well she refused to reveal the truth. I was over the moon when I came to know she was pregnant. I had gone to meet her. I promised her that I would get her out and she lied. She lied about my child. I know Mrs. Nandini Kapoor threatened her and she, as a mother was scared but she could have trusted me for the safety of our child. Had I not given her enough instances where I had stood against my family for her? Then why didn't she speak? About believing her, I believed her because she lied by looking straight into my eyes. I loved her Krish. She didn't flinch while speaking, didn't waver and that is what made me believe her. A broken sad and helpless man shouldn't be broken further with no shoulder to lean on. But that is exactly what Priya did. Didn't I ask you to take care of her and the child? I knew that you would do it and that is why I didn't contact her. I hope you got the answers to all your questions Krish" Ram wiped the tears streaming down his face and turned his face away from Krish.

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