Gabriel part 1

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How you meet: You had been fighting a demon with Sam and Dean but they disappeared. They had you pinned down and was about to stab you when he starts to glow bright. You push him off you when he starts to fall and see and man smiling at you.
He snaps his fingers and disappears.

You prank him: Whenever you try to prank him it back fires.

He finds out your also a hunter: You had just gotten back from a hunt and you were covered in, not just your blood, but also the blood of a werewolf. You walk through your door and get tackled into a hug.
"Can you please get off me?"
Gabe lets go and his eyes go wide at your appearance.
"Oh my father!!"
"Don't worry its not all mine."
"My girlfriend is a murderer!!!!"
"Gabriel I'm a hunter!!"
He stops feeling out and sighs.
"Don't scare me like that."
"Whatever you say angel boy."
"How di-"
You walk away and go get a shower.

He takes you on a hunt: It wasn't really a hunt, a demon had broken in and he had you take care of him.

You get suspended from school (D.D Series): You where sitting in the principles office waiting for your dad to arrive. You hear the door open to see him holding a lollipop. He walks over and takes a seat next to you.
"Why am I here?"
"Well sir, your daughter thought it would be funny to put a mouse in the girls locker room, then she started a food fight, then she told off a teacher then threw a pie at him."
Gabriel laughs and the principle is pissed. You make it look like steams coming out of his ears and Gabriel laughs even harder.
"Your daughter had been suspended."
He nods and you both get up and leave.
"A mouse in the girls locker room?"
"You should have seen them jumping around and screaming! It was hilarious!!"

How you sleep: He doesn't sleep but he'll pull you up to his chest until you fall asleep.

You get in a fight: You and Dean were hunting a rouge angel and Gabriel was more mad at you spending time with Dean. You get home to see that he's pouting on the couch like a five year old.
"What's wrong Gabe."
You raise an eyebrow and walk over to him and stand in front of him.
"Your lying."
"Are you sleeping with Dean."
You start laughing and he glares. You stop laughing and look at him shocked.
"You think I'm having sex with Dean?"
"It would explain why you've been with him."
"We hunt together when Sam can't!!"
You scoffs and you walk away and go to the door.
"Going to your boyfriend."
"No I'm going to Cas."
Before he can speak you walk out the door.

You fight part 2: You had been staying with Cas ever since you and Gabriel got into that fight. You were teaching Cas how to cook a pie when you heard knocking at the door.
"Don't touch anything."
He nods and you answer the door to see Gabe holding a stuffed bear and candy.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed you were sleeping with Dean."
"Damn straight, now get inside I'm teaching Cas how to bake a pie."
After you say that you hear an explosion followed by a 'what the hell?!'

Movie night: You two curl up on the couch and then never get to finish the movie after the first half of the movie.
I'm going to put this into parts instead of doing it all like Luci. So here's part 1!
~Jay <3

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