He takes you on a hunt

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Dean: You where a good hunter like the boys but Dean wanted to take you on a hunt that wasn't to dangerous, so you went to get a ghost that was killing females that cheat with their boyfriends. After further research you found out that she kills them because her boyfriends other girlfriend killed her out of jealousy. So your coming up with a plan to get the ghosts attention.

''I could pretend to be cheating on Dean but we need to find someone to go along with it.''

''So you want to use yourself as bait?'' Sam asks

''Yes this is the only way to get its attention.''

''No, i'm not letting you put yourself in danger.'' Dean tells you

You sigh and glare at him.

''How else do you suppose we do it?''

He opens his mouth then shuts it. You turn back to Sam and talk.

''You could pretend to be my other boyfriend.''

They just stare at you like your crazy, which you probably were.They eventually agree and you head to the bar near the motel where you guys were staying at.You went to the bar and got a drink. You sat at the bar when Sam comes up to you trying to act normal. You giggle as he comes over to you and leans on the bar flipping his hair back.

''Hey pretty lady want to get out of here?''

You try hard to suppress your laugh and nod yes.We walk out of the bar and to your motel room were you open the door and head inside.You lean up and kiss Sam, he pulls back and heads to the bathroom.Dean is outside waiting for the thing to appear while Sam comes out of the bathroom. Before he gets to you your thrown against the wall and a girl appears before you. Sam grabs a shot gun and shoots the ghost while Dean runs in and helps you up Sam runs out to find the remains while you two fight off the ghost. It appears behind you, you swing at it and it appears again this time throwing Dean against the wall and coming at you with a knife, you dodged it. She swung it again and it went into your shoulder you scream and she pushes it into your shoulder more.


The ghost bursts into flames and you fall to the ground panting.

''That...was..painful.''you pant between breathes

''You are never doing that again.''


He helps you up then pulls you in for a passionate kiss. He pulls back and looks at you.

''And don't ever kiss another guy ever again.''

''Wouldn't dream of it''

Sam: You,Sam, and Dean were looking for a the vampires nest. Bobby had called and asked if you could go check it out and to bring the boys. You were scoping out the area when your knocked out from behind. You wake up tied to a chair with a killer headache and gagged in the warehouse where the vampires nest is.Great. You look around and see them talking to each other. You phone goes off and the Sherlock theme is all you hear, there attention is now on you.Who your guessing is the leader walks over to you and reaches into your pocket and grabs your phone.


You hear yelling on the other line and your guessing its Sam. The man turns and smirks at you then walks over to you. He undoes the gag and puts the phone up to your ear.


''(Y/n)! Are you alright? Did they hurt you?!''

''Sam calm down i'm fine just a headache but nothing extreme.''

The phones pulled away from you before you hear what he can say, he punches your stomach ,you scream and put your head back.

''Better hurry not sure I can control myself much longer.''

He hangs up then throws the phone on the table by him he walks up to you and pulls your hair to get to your neck.You struggle and he pulls back harder. You stop struggling, he starts to lean in and bites your neck you feel blood on our neck and his tongue sliding against the cut . Just as he is about to really bite you the door flies open and the boys come running in. As they are fighting, the one in front of you unties you and turns so you back is facing his chest. He grabs your hair and you scream just as Dean kills the last one.He pulls harder as they start to head towards you.You remember there's a knife in your boot and head butt him in the face. He lets go and you grab the knife and slice his neck while Dean finishes him off. Sam wraps an arm around your waist and takes you out with Dean behind you.

''You know, now that I think about it splitting up was a bad idea.'' you tell him

''Ya think.''

''I love you?''

He sighs then kisses you.

''I love you too,but your never going off on you own again.I wonder what Bobby will think when he hears about this.'' He smirks at you

''Oh, god no.''
~Jay <3

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