Chapter 2

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     "Yes, Madam Celi. The suspense is killing me. I'll pay double for the sake of my best friend's love life." Layla slammed the bills on the table which made Penelope try to cease her irrational outburst but this fortune teller enthusiast won't budge. "Just tell us the hint. Now!"


     "I cannot believe you paid a hundred dollars to her for only that useless hint." Penelope outrageously said after the session.

     "You're welcome, Penny." Layla patted her shoulder. "I am very concerned with your love life. Look at you! You can now find your happiness." Layla begins jumping happily.

     Penelope just glared at her. While silently penetrating her best friend's soul for being so foolish, she can't help but notice at Layla's far back, her two childhood friends, Nathan and Wyatt, coming towards them.

     "Hey! What are you doing here?" Penelope greeted them first.

     Instead of answering her, Nathan and Wyatt silently communicate with their eyes. When Layla decides to interrupt them, Wyatt pulls her arm. "Wait, Wyatt! What are you doing?"

     Wyatt just nodded to Penelope and gave Nathan a pointing look then dragged Layla away from them.

     "Well, that was weird." said Penelope while looking at Wyatt dragging Layla then turned her head to Nathan.

     "Hey Nathan, what's up?"

     This browned hair boy, Nathan, takes a deep breath and holds Penelope's both hands. His steady gaze held Penelope's surprised face. His brown eyes shone intensely under the sun's glare. He took another deep breath and smiled.

     "Is this really what I think it is? How can I be so sure? Wait... the hint!" Penelope thought. "I may not believe it but the hint was he was wearing a coin necklace that has a dove engraved. And oh my! He is."

     "Penpen, I've known you for so long. And I r-really like you. I'll always like how your eyes shine when you smile and that makes my heart go wild like it wants to get out and hold you. Ah-I c-can't explain how nervous I am to ask you this. Sure, I have a lot of girlfriends but none of them make my heart flutter when I see you, especially your beautiful eyes." Nathan then held Penelope's cheeks and said " Will you... tell me what eyeliner do you use?"

     Penelope blinked. "What?"

     "Eyeliner? Woah. You don't use eyeliner? You really have pretty eyes."

     Penelope's jaws dropped open and looked at him in disbelief. Nathan's eyes sparkled and only his laughter could be heard.

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