𝟑𝟕| 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫

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After three months...

I really needed to pee because of this tiring pregnancy. I've been mostly in my room, and people in the house might think I disappeared.

"Tyson, can you help me get up?" I asked. He came over, and with his help, I stood up.

"Thanks," I said, closing the bathroom door after taking care of things. I decided to take a shower, scrubbing and shaving. I picked a black dress and brushed my long, brown hair.

Feeling a cold breeze and chills, I saw the balcony door was open. Someone came in.

Trying not to give it away, I closed the doors but peeked outside first to make sure no one was there. I felt something silver and sharp under my chin. Slowly turning around, I saw a girl I almost didn't recognize, still unsure if it's her. She had blue eyes and bright pink long hair.

"Who are you?" I asked her, confused by her appearance. I grabbed one of the daggers from my thighs-I always have them with me.

"After not seeing me for three years, you forget me? I am hurt, Anthea," she said, placing her hands on her heart, acting hurt.

"I am not playing. Who are you?" I asked again.

"You look so adorable, wearing some cheap dress, and what do we got here?" She said, trailing her knife on my belly. I quickly removed it.

"Oh, protecting, I see. Since you really seemed to forget me. I am Hannah, your high school best friend."

"Hannah?" She isn't her; she is someone else. The girl back then was nice, and this girl in front of me was all dressed in black, holding her sharp knife against my skin.

"I see you remember me. I mean, I do look very different, but this is the 'real me.''' She laughed.

"Anyways, let's get to business."

"Who sent you?" I ask her as she was still holding the knife to my neck.

"Nobody but you really messed up. Trusting someone who is an enemy of yours and then," she stared down. I instantly moved my hand to cover my belly.

"Getting pregnant by him, how stupid of you. The Flame has a baby and doesn't even know. I came here to just say that if you do anything to him, I would get back to you more than you did to him."

"The Flame?" I repeated it, he never actually said the name of mafia.

But "the Flame" did stick in my throat, feeling my mouth going dry.

"The monster himself can't control his doing. You here, almost giving birth, him burning all things that your father built, your mother. He knew everything; he knew that you were part of Enyo; he just needed to get closer to you. To hurt you physically and mentally."

"But I guess he did. I am sorry, Anthea, but you see, he knows me. He knew me even before. But he didn't know that I was on my mission," she came closer to my ear and whispering.

"I gave up on you." She says backing off.

I saw her enjoying it like she said something important. I couldn't control myself and just started laughing at her. She seemed surprised by my response.

I quickly grabbed a dagger, pushed her into the room, and made her fall onto the bed. Holding her hair and pressing the dagger against her neck.

"Do you know where you are?" I asked.

"You come here to my house, threatening me, and saying things that don't matter to me. You can mess with Luciano, but don't mess with me. You should have known better." I drew a line on her face.

"You're a bad liar. Only a monster can destroy another monster. Everyone becomes a villain if you push them hard enough, Hannah. If you were actually smart, you wouldn't have come here."

She grabbed my hand, pushed it aside, and shoved me hard on my stomach, making my back hit a wall.

She stood up, tracing her finger where I cut her, looking at her finger and then back at me.

"You bitch," she shouted, launching herself at me. I pushed her with my leg, making her stumble backward. She looked around and, when her eyes landed on something, she kneeled and picked it up, throwing it towards me. I dodged it quickly.

Grabbing it from the wall, I started throwing it at her, making her jump all over the room. I lifted my dress a bit to grab my other four daggers. I waited for her to stop moving, and when she did, only for a moment, I used my chance to start throwing them. She fell in pain, holding her right leg.

"Got you, bitch."

"ANTHEA, OPEN THE DOOR!" The door started banging. I slipped for a second. When I turned, she was up, still holding onto her leg.

"He will end you," she pushed her other leg hard onto me, making me stumble backward and fall against the wall.

Waves of pain surged through my body, leaving me gasping for air. She looked at me with a slow realization, regret etching her face. As the door opened, she jumped down. Aiden entered, searching for me and discovering me in a pool of water and blood, my hand on my stomach.

"Help me," I said, lifting my arms, and Aiden took them immediately, lifting me. I whimpered.

"Hold on, Anthea. Please, hold on," he pleaded, holding me close before lifting me and immediately after him was Tyson.

"Tyson, open the door!" he yelled. After he opens the door, Aiden slowly placed me on the back seat, sitting next to me and holding my hand, squeezing it.

I felt an overwhelming urge to push. I squeezed Aiden's hand harder, closed my eyes, and screamed.

"Anthea, breathe," Aiden kept telling me.

"What happened, Anthea?" Tyson asked. I took a big breath.

"Hannah came. She is..." I groaned at the pain, sucking in all the air I had. I felt the need to push again.

"Shit. TYSON, DRIVE FASTER!" Aiden exclaimed.

"Breath, Anthea. Look at me," he said as I look at him.

"Like this," then started taking big breaths and exhaling them, I followed his steps.

"Breath in... and breath out..." We pulled in front of the hospital. Aiden quickly opened the door and let the emergency team take over. I winced in pain when they put me on the bed, Aiden still holding onto my hand.

"I will be here," he said, letting go of my hand as the room got darker.

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