First Day.

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Cling, Clong, Cling, Clong.
Dr. Channing lead me down the metal stairs.

"Why couldn't we mentally train in my room?"

I asked Dr. Channing as he lead me down the stairs.

"Because I don't think you trust me. And I think you rather have someone you trust with you as we train."

Well, he was right about that.
The only thing was, I didn't trust anyone.

"Who'd you like to come with you?"

I thought as I walked down the stairs.
I ran different names through my mind, thinking of all the people I had met the day before.
Cass? Aden? Thalia?
Something in the back of my mind said West, but I shook my head, clearing that thought from my mind.

"I don't know. I don't trust anyone."

Dr. Channing stopped in front of me on the stairs. He was so much taller than me, that when I stood a step above him on the stairs, we could see eye to eye.

"The first thing you need to know during this mental training, is that no one here is going to hurt you."

We walked on a few steps, and then he stopped again.

"In your old life, I can tell you've been hurt. But we aren't going to do that to you."

We walked in silence until we reached the 2nd floor.
We walked down a long hallway lined with doors, until we got to a door marked 27.
Dr. Channing swung the large door open, and I walked inside.

Inside the room were just two blue, comfortable looking chairs.
The paint on the walls was a bright yellow color, contrasting with the blue chairs.

He sat down in one of the chairs.


I sat down carefully.

"Tell me. What do you think of this place? And be honest."

I sat for a moment just looking down at my hands. I hadn't noticed my hands much before that time, and I realized I must've had a problem with biting my nails, because my hands looked pretty bad.

"I don't know what I think yet. I'm still trying to figure it all out."

"Well, let's start with the basics. What do you know about this world."

I looked down at my hands again.
I was pale!
Ok, ok. Be honest here, I told myself.
Think about this. How much DO you know about this world.
The answer was simple.


Dr. Channing smiled. He looked less frightening when he was smiling.
I still didn't trust him yet.

"Soon you will learn everything you need to know about our world."

I nodded.
"Our world" seemed more and more overwhelming the more I learned about it.

"Let's just try a simple question now. How well do you trust us?"

I just shook my head.

"I don't trust you. Or any of you."

Dr. Channing frowned.

"That's the first thing we will have to work on then. Trust."

We just sat and said nothing for a while after he said that.
I couldn't help but wonder why these people wouldn't just explain things to me. Why couldn't they just tell me what on this world, or any other world was going on?

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