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Hello hello, greetings to you bleeding hearts from your regular nightmare that original denizen in the dark.
Took some stocks, swam with sharks xoxo dripping venom for those that don't know how my shit starts.

Forget the tales I've told you before, ignore the weak child that only knew how to cry on the floor, like a passing storm my heart and soul is cold, it's been about 5 years since I've felt this bold.
I look back on the past me, that kid hibernating on his goals.

Shout out to my Exs, shout out to the bitches and my fuck buddies of old,
Wow I'm an asshole? That story has done been told. Hell I should quit now but I'm on a roll. I laugh everytime I think back that I had a mil in the bank before I was 20, that's what you call pedigree how dare you think you're not beneath me.

Don't mean to sound cocky but I walk on diamonds and wipe my ass with gold, flaunt it cause I got it without selling my body or trading my soul. Now I got this kingdom and my empire on a plane waiting, ya'll working that 9 - 5 but still can't close the gap on what I hide behind these curtains.

Don't take it personal, really they don't make them like me, you gonna shed tears if you looking for my pity and sympathy. I'm fresh out, every last drop squeezed. 10 years I gave, beat the humbleness out of me.

Now don't get it twisted I'm not saying everybody has a price, cause really 9 out of 10 times you've thrown away your standards for something that you like.
At this point you're all like a slowmo show, that I watch for a laugh then tell to hit the road.

Now at this time apologizes are overrated and the fucks to give are understated.
Like red wine if your quality is cheap I'll rarely be sated.

And yes I don't ever fake it, I like the chase, get a quick head then it's on to your girl friend. Sigh living life on the quarter mile , haven't hit the rest stop in a damn while. You got a big mouth, talk a lot make this worthwhile and polish this engine believe me when I say I'm already taken, and me approaching you is 80% boredom, stamp this with blood as I never use ink in my pen, and the only time I'll give up writing is when my arteries run empty.


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