Watch me Bleed

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Well I'm here again, putting these thoughts into words with my pen. Sweet I got a confession to make, my own secret sin, they say God will give you redemption but that only applies if you want forgiveness for the shit you've done.

Motivation, a beautiful word filled with completion, it's hard to ever know what someone is thinking behind their poker face.
When I think about failing, my heart beats in my chest like I'm racing, expands pierced by my ribcage out of every artery I be bleeding.

Funny thing is as I write this I can't help but smile, cause there's another  me that craves the self destruction that comes with building blocks being torn down by a child.

Listen I know my words are dark, my thoughts snuffed out that spark yet I just want you to stay for awhile, I've never been so close to the edge, everything feels like a test. A hurricane, curious why I laugh but guarantee it's fucking funny.

I'm hurt, I'm bleeding, I just want it to end, happiness is a journey but where the fuck do I begin. Building roads to completion that's it full stop. Rip me open, set my innards free. In battle with myself and all its done is ruin me. I don't have a happy note to end this, it's just my personal Requiem. Say goodbye to me.

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