Well were do I begin...
No that wasn't a question or an opener, I really meant were do I begin. I surely don't know. Remember when you were a kid? Well how far do you remember? I can't really put a date or a reason for the memory, but I remember this... You probably think I'm about to say something huge as a hook to this book, but I'm to different for that. I'm about to say I remember people, the names are a bit scrambled but I can place them above their heads and put backgrounds of homes and parks behind them if I really need to.I'm only doing this as a way to get things out, my mind is filled with memories that are taking up the capacity of my brain, but I don't want to trash them in those smelly plastic bins. I want to reserve them and share them.
So, this isn't a story, this isn't a biography, this isn't a document. This is something special.
Something nobody should forget or throw away or keep hidden.
This is humanity, all the people that made an impact on me, in a jumbled up timeline, but it's reality. These are real people, to show how nice or cruel the world actually is.This is something you should know.
This will be