The Quarry

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Merle's POV

       The loud 'SLAM' of the door slamming closed echoed throughout the front lawn of a little rundown trailer park as a familiar 5'9 chronically vulgar man rushed inside the trailer he and his brother had fixed up once they escaped from their abuse ass of a father.

  "DARYL! Getcher ass out here, we need to leave, NOW!" His already loud voice carried through the small two-roomed single-wide trailer as he busied himself by grabbing all of the large duffle bags they used to carry the hunting equipment they used when they had long stays in the woods and cramming any needed essentials that they had around the trailer, even stuffing various weapons and cutlery into them before zipping them up and started filing up another.

         "What is it now." His younger brother asked annoyed as he walked over to him wondering why Merle was frantically stuffing whole cases of bullets, different sized and purposed blades, fire starters, lighters, and lighter fluids, matches, cigarettes, and water bottles into any kind of bag they owned even taking out the heavy-duty trash bags until it was filled to the brim.

  Ignoring his younger brother's questions for now Merle threw a few backpacks at him while ordering him to go around the house and attached garage to gather everything he thought would be essential to surviving like nonperishable food, their hunting equipment, weapons, tools they would need to fix the truck or motorcycle, his toolbox with all his little bits in it, etc. "Hurry yer lily-white ass up Daryl I want to be out of here and on the road as soon as we can."

        Starting to worry about the strange way his brother was acting before shrugging and doing what he asked. Jumping slightly when loud banging and moaning was coming from the front door and sides of the trailer, eyes widening in surprise as he saw hands leaving bloody smudges on the small peephole window and the glass of the windows next to the door. Coming out from the other room when he heard the banging Merle cursed like a sailor when a familiar male face poked into view. The man he could only just recognize as his neighbor had a rather large chunk of his cheek torn out exposing cheek muscles where the skin was torn off and bloodied gums with red-stained teeth snapping at thin air as its now white hazed bloodshot eyes focused on them, with others quickly following their companion as he grappled at the window.

    Not even saying a word both brothers turned away from the sight and Merle started gathering as many of the heavy bags over his broad shoulder as he could before telling Daryl to grab the rest as he opened the back door leading to the garage he and Daryl had built onto the trailer themselves. Placing down the bags at his feet he started packing them around his motorcycle in the trunk bed of Daryl's truck, with it being a pretty slim bike it left a lot of room to fill with the bags as their tents were already put up in the keystone toolbox along with most of his mechanical tools. Daryl copied him once he finished filling the rest of the bags and brought them to the garage quickly helping his brothers pack them in faster as they needed to get out of there as fast as they could before those things outside surrounded their exit.

      Once they were done with that they quickly got out a few bungee cords and strapped them down so they couldn't fly out or slide around the back. Hoping in the driver's seat Daryl started the truck as Merle hurried to open the garage door and get back to the truck as fast as he could. Seeing that a few of the walking corpses had already made their way to the back and were headed towards them with shambling footsteps he quickly booked it back to the truck and slide into the passenger seat of his brother's reasonably clean truck as Daryl slid into reverse and pulled out of the garage, hitting a couple of the closer ones as he did so. Just barely managing to strap in his seat belt before Daryl rounded the trailer and plowed through two more corpses, grimacing as a severed hand splattered the window shield with rotting blood before sliding off as Daryl accelerated down the familiar dirt roads.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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