Chapter 4: You'll Make 'Em Smile

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The blonde boy jerks around towards the source of the voice. "Now what?!" he mutters in frustration.

"You did say...anything, didn't you?" the voice goes on in its low, raspy female voice. We both look at the package on the table, which has somehow unwrapped itself revealing an eerily glowing book with a green face on the cover.

Nicholas stands up and approaches the book, and I get the urge to pull him back. The voice is so enchanting, though, I can't help but stay still and watch him fall under its spell.

Oh no...this isn't good...

"I am a spirit, Nicholas," the woman continues. "Your friend. I know many things...almost everything."

"Everything?" Nicholas asks, and for the first time I see him smile hopefully. If only I could've made his eyes light up like that...

"I know how you can earn more friends," the voice assures him temptingly. 

"Really?! How?"

"With magic," the voice replies softly, making Nicholas frown in confusion and glance at the door to his boss's dressing room.

"Oh no, not his magic tricks," the voice clarifies. Long, smoky pink tendrils emerge from the book and curl around his face, making him smile dreamily. "I mean real magic. Magic that can make your fondest wish come true."

Nicholas is now stammering excitedly, and I can almost see his mind racing. "Y-you mean you can use magic to get people to like me?"

"No...but you could," the voice replies. The keyhole over the pages glows red, and a key appears out of nowhere. "All you have to do is undo the lock."

"Nicholas, don't!" I blurt out, but he's already turning the key. 

The book flies open, and a harsh breeze erupts from the pages, slamming us both against the wall. I fall to the floor against him and look up, blushing in embarrassment, but his gaze is fixed trancelike on the book. We get to our feet and stare as a woman's face emerges and gives Nicholas a sly smile.

"And who's this pretty one?" The face's green eyes turn to me, boring into me hard enough to make me flinch. "I see you already have a friend."

Nicholas shrugs. "She's a stranger, she's not important. Please, tell me how to use magic!" 

Nicholas's words stab me deep, and I choke, afraid that if I say anything  I'll start crying.

If only he knew.

"Hey! What are you doing in there?" the magician barks, hearing the noise from us hitting the wall seconds before and getting up to investigate.

"Read this," she purrs as Nicholas comes closer, nodding to the collection of runes in the bottom left corner. I follow close behind, recognizing a few of the runes on the page. They're Celtic, like my father's side of the family. 

"GA...ZORP!!" Nicholas shouts, somewhat absurdly.

How'd he get THAT from Celtic runes?!

Just before his boss can enter the room, the door slams shut on its own.

Nicholas looks at the door in surprise. "Wow...did I do that?"

The face nods and replies, "You can do a lot more." She nods to another part of the page. "Read. Read!!"

"Ishka...bibble!" Nicholas reads aloud.

"Hey, Nichol-" Fettuccini barely gets out two words before he suddenly starts snoring loudly right outside the door. I watch Nicholas go towards it and open it to find his boss asleep standing upright.

"Your spell worked!" Nicholas exclaimed triumphantly. 

"He'll be in a deep sleep only long enough for you to take over his magic show," the spirit tells him. Her gaze turns to me. "And now, what shall we do with this one?"

My nerve comes back, and I stand with my fists clenched in front of the book. "You guys can stop talking around me like I can't hear you!" I snap. "My name happens to be Elaine, and I know that you're only using Nicholas for your own evil reasons!!"

I look back at the blonde boy, about to plead with him to understand me, but his eyes have changed. The spirit has completely taken him over, and he's looking right through me.

The spirit looks thoroughly unimpressed, and beckons Nicholas over. "Read," she croons.

Nicholas turns around and glares at me, his brown eyes as hard as stones. He points sharply at me, as though accusing me of something terrible.

"Abalak-a-BAMMO!" he yells. My heart drops into my throat as I find myself pitched backwards, landing awkwardly back in the chest I'd arrived in. I try to escape, but my arms and legs won't obey me.

"Nicholas, please, don't do this," I try to reason with him. "I'm your-"

The lid slams shut on me, and I'm trapped in darkness again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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