New arrivals

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Start date: 9/19/2022
Finished date: 10/18/2022

TW: mention of Self-harm
Walking down the hall of the hospital, the head doctor walked to the lobby of the hospital. Two new patients have arrived, twins. Their names are Lavender and Lisa.

"Welcome, Lavender and Lisa," said the head doctor.

Both twins stayed quiet until Lisa spoke up, "Hi there, how are you doing today?"
The head doctor smiled a small smile, "I'm good now that you two are finally here. I want to introduce myself, and I'm Dr. Mathilda. I hope you two are having a great day so far." Lavender looked into the eyes of Dr. Mathilda and spoke, "Why are we here?" "That's what I'm here to find out," replied the head doctor. "Now, let's get you two in the hospital gowns, Nurse Pipper. Please take them to the room we have for them and get them dressed."

Pipper nodded, picked them both up, and they were off. As they entered the hospital room, Pipper put them on the floor and left. They waited until Pipper left before looking at each other, "So we're here because our parents died last night, huh?" Lavender stared at the ground as she spoke, "No... I don't think that's it... They would have sent us to an orphanage..." Pipper returned with the hospital gowns and had them both put on. Pipper sat down on a chair and asked them how old they were when they were born and if good parents raised them. They answered the first two questions but not the last one. They would say, 'i dunno' Pipper asked other questions and answered, but when she asked them again if they had good parents, they asked 'i dunno' again.

Days later, it was discovered that Lisa tended to scratch her skin when upset. They changed her gown to the second version to prevent her from harming herself. The head doctor wanted her to be evaluated on the situation immediately, and somebody brought her to the head doctor's office to see her. After examining Lisa, she confirmed that she did pick her nails when upset and could be self-destructive in situations like these. Still, she could also be extremely stubborn about specific conditions, like arguing with doctors or refusing treatment. The psychiatrist then gave her medication to help with this behavior. Lisa has also been  prescribed another drug called Mollafaxine.
After five months in the hospital, Lisa was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia. The twin's parents were killed by a drunk driver attempting to cross the road.

Lavender was very quiet  and didn't make eye contact with anyone around her. She was constantly nervous and afraid to talk. The reason is still unknown. Lavender never showed any emotion. She just watched everything else happen around her. When angry or sad, she tried to hide those emotions from others as much as possible. This made some patients
Uncomfortable, but everyone eventually became accustomed to seeing her act strange.

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