A Very Hurried Chapter About Shu no idea for chap name!

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Hello internet! Welcome to BEY THEORY, where today we are finally going to touch down on the one and only boi that literally everyone either loves, kins, turns yandere, or has killed multiple times: Shu Kurenai. And yea, as you can see fro the title, this was extremely hurried, so hopefully one day it'll get an actual editing session instead of me frantically typing on my grandma's iPad and making half of this stuff up as I type these worfs. 

But anyways, from what I can tell, it seems to be common for people within this very very small community to portray Shu as an albino, and that makes sense. White skin, white hair, red eyes- all pretty stereotypical features of albinos, and most importantly, explainable features unlike the protagonists. Yes, I'm looking at you, the Aoi family. Where dafuq did u guys get blue hair genes and it even goes from  father to son and oh my god where the ffff did Nika come from seriously- 

Ahem. The point is, Shu is one of the few anime characters whose strange color palette could be explained from a scientific perspective. And me being me, I gladly accepted that as I joined this community and gradually learned the details of how babies were made. (Spoiler alert: Not by males. Seriously, just adopt one.) But after a while and several months after my last update on this book, I was desperate for ideas and took on this challenge in the form of a few google searches, and mama Mia what the heck did I find. So let the questions rip, cause today we're solving the bodily mysteries of our dear little Shoe boy.

As I said earlier, most of the things on Shu's cute lil face fits the description for an albino: a general white coloring that indicates a big lack of melanin, the stuff that gives your hair and body color; sensitivite to light, as indicated from that one time Naoki as a jerk and flashed a light in his face (wait, was that one Shu?) which makes running under the sun a very bad decision; and red eyes that later gave him the so very clever secret emo name of Red Eye. 

But it's here that I really began to doubt the authenticity of this piece of fanon. You see, albinos don't have red eyes. When you get an albino animal, let's say a mouse, it's eyes seems to be red, but in reality, it's not the eyes that are red, but rather the blood vessels in the back of the eye that are visible due to the lack of pigment in the eyes, allowing the red to show through. But what's even more, albinos don't usually have red eyes. Despite what I just said  two sentences  ago, albino people usually have either blue or hazel eyes, with the blood vessels only showing under certain lighting conditions. But still, I get the feeling that the animators aren't particularly attentive to bothersome details such as red eyes in albinos only being a myth, so we'll just let that one slide, I guess. It's also worth noting that ocular albinism isn't the same as albinism, so be careful next time you want to write a Shalt lemon that had Valt gazing into Shu's red eyes while riding him or whatever. Also, to TheLegendCreator, can you finish this lemon i tried to start but then it sorta got stuck halfway through and now I have no idea what to do with it? Thanks.

And also... some sources have indicated that albinos smell like sour fish. 

...Anyone wanna write a fanfic about that?

But hey, that's just a theory, A BEY THEWEEEEEEEEE

(I am never doing this again.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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