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"We all know that one person.The one person who who everyone is mean to for no reason. It makes me so angry. What's the point? No one is perfect, and being mean helps noone. I suppose it might make the person who is bullying feel better, but it shouldn't. Bringing others down should not make you feel better about yourself... and you know what? It doesn't. Not in the long run, anyway. I'm not going to lie to you guys- I used to be a bully. I was a complete jerk to those around me. Sure, it made me feel better for a while, but soon it was like something rotten was inside of me. Gross, I know, but that's how I felt. Eventually, I felt worse than I did before. Bullying doesn't help anyone. So please- just don't do it. "

That is a quote from my book "I Wonder How Many Calories Girls Burn by Jumping to Conclusions." It's short, I know, but it gets my point across. Bullying is just a way for people to try to feel better about themselves, but it doesn't work. I'll say this again: IT. DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!
I've seen so many cases of bullying over the years, and I'm ashamed to say that I was a bystander in many of the situations. I was even the bully in a few of them! It's hard to admit, but it's true. It also helps me to spread the word because I've been in all three possible positions: victim, bully, or bystander. This has shown me that bullying doesn't help anyone.
If your a bully, stop! Do you even understand the pain and turmoil that you are causing?! And you know, deep down somewhere in your heart, it doesn't truly make you happy. Trust me, being kind is so much more rewarding. I know.

If your a victim, please, don't give in. Don't give into that desire to answer evil with evil. Bullying them in return won't solve anything. And for those who mutilate themselves or even think about KILLING themselves, I love you! No, I might not know you, but I have love for every person, and you ARE a person. An important one, at that! You are going to make a difference in this world and be someone's whole world. Please don't take away your opportunity to find out who you can be. Depression, suicide, mutilation, they're all holding you back. Doing that is giving the ones who hurt you all the power. Don't do it.

Bystanders, please, stand up! When you see someone being cruel to another person, stop it! Go get a superior or even step in yourself if need be. The more people who stand up, the less power bullies will have. You ever heard of peer pressure? Well, that works in both good and bad ways, buddy. You can pressure those bullies to stop! But it takes courage. Be courageous, my friend.

I dream of a world where everyone gets along. I know it's highly unlikely, probably impossible, even, but it's nice to dream about. And you know what? Even if we can't achieve that, we can strive to get as close as we can. Bullying has no purpose, no use. All it does is hold people back. But, if we try, we can stop it.

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