Part 36

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*The Wedding day*

Y/N: Eddie. I remember the exact moment i fell in love with you. Not when i told you but the moment i knew i loved you. It was extremely early on in our friendship. It was the day i got discharged from the hospital

Y/N: You took me back to your trailer and told me you had made me something. It was a cheesecake you had tried to make. I say tried because you ended up burning it.

Y/N: From that moment on i knew i loved you you. I knew i wanted to spend my life with you. I knew you had stolen my heart. And from that moment on i had been planning my revenge

Y/N: Today that revenge finally takes place. Eddie you stole my heart. So now today i'm stealing your last name. And i will keep it forever

E: Jesus Christ how do you follow that? Okay. Y/N before you came into my life i was very lonely. I didn't have many friends and no one wanted to take a chance on the freak.!

E: You however took a chance on me. You let me into your world. And you brought some light into mine. With you by my side i wasn't lonely. I felt whole. You completed me.

E: To this day i will never understand how someone as amazing as you would be with someone like me. And i will spend the rest of my life showing you how much i love you.

E: Y/N this isn't the end. I've always been told once you get married it ends there. But not for us. Our life together is just getting started and i can't wait for this next adventure. Our adventure

R: You guys are just too cute! I now pronounce you married!

*You and Eddie laugh and take each other in your arms and kiss. Your hands around his neck and his around your waist*

*6 months later*

*You and Eddie are relaxing in your trailer*

*He's laying his head on your lap while you braid his hair and he's strumming his guitar*

Y/N: Can you believe we're married?

E: I didn't even think i'd get a partner so this is like a dream come true

Y/N: You're my dream Eddie Munson. Always and forever

E: Forever with you sounds very good

Y/N: How do you feel about kids love?

*Eddie sits up and places his guitar down*

E: Our kids?

Y/N: Yes our kids *laughs and hits him softly on the arm*

E: I think we'd make the best kids sweetheart

Y/N: You really think so?

E: Have you seen us?!

*He lays you down on the bed and kisses you all over your face muttering how much he loves you*

E: I will never get over the feeling of kissing you

Y/N: So kids?

E: Yes absolutely! How about now?

*You laugh and look at his face. Like a child on Christmas morning*

Y/N: What if we already have one ?

E: Be right back!!

*Eddie leaves the bedroom with you sitting in the bed confused as hell and he comes running back with a bag*

E: Ever since we got married i've been waiting for this day

Y/N: what did you do?! *looking in the bag and seeing many many tests*

E: I wanted to be positive *laughs*

*after a few minutes the timer goes off*

E: This is it

Y/N: Oh god i can't look you tell me *you bury your face in your hands*

E: It's negative

Y/N: What? Are you sure?

E: Yes i'm sure! I'm looking at the plus sign right here! *he points to the test and there's a plus sign

Y/N: Omg that's positive!

E: We're pregnant!

Y/N: Ohhhh i hate you ! *slaps him softly across the arm and laughing*

*Eddie hugs you and pulls your face towards him*

E: I'm pretty sure you love me

Y/N: Yea i do

E: Say it! *in a joking manner*

Y/N: I love you Eddie Munson!

E: And i love you Y/N Munson! And our little one

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