𝟑𝟖| 𝐇𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞

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I was holding my baby in my arms for the first time, my heart full of love and wonder as I stared at the tiny bundle of joy. Tears streamed down my face as I whispered sweet nothings to my newborn, promising to love and protect him always.

As I moved him closer to my chest, I felt a sudden chill run through my body. And just like that, my baby disappeared from my arms. Shocked and confused, I looked around frantically, thinking that perhaps I had just imagined the whole thing. But my arms were empty, and my heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces.

A voice called out to me, causing me to freeze in fear. "He is mine," the voice growled, sending shivers down my spine. I turned around slowly, dreading what I might see. And there he was, Luciano.

He stood in front of me, a twisted smile on his lips as he held my baby in his arms.

I wanted to scream and fight, to do whatever it takes to get my baby back. But something inside me knew that Luciano wasn't someone to be messed with. So I simply stood there, tears blurring my vision as I begged him to return my child.

But Luciano only laughed at my pleas, taunting me with empty promises of returning my baby if I agreed to do his bidding. I knew it was a trap, and I refused to give in to his demands. I would do anything to protect my child, even if it meant risking my own life.

The darkness seemed to consume me as I woke up from my nightmare.

"Guys, she's waking up," Aiden's voice called out, alerting the others. They moved closer, surrounding me.

"Hi," I greeted in my low voice.

"Hey, Anthea," they replied with small smiles.

"How are you feeling?" Aiden's concern was the first thing I heard. I looked at his gentle face, warmth enveloping me as I noticed him holding my hand. Trying to lift myself, I winced in pain.

"Anthea, hold on," Eros offered, attempting to assist.

"Where is the baby?" I asked, looking at them.

"Guys, is my baby okay?" My voice became more strained with worry.

"Oh no, no, Anthea. Your baby is perfectly fine. They are just checking him," Tyson reassured. A sigh of relief escaped me.

"Which reminds me, shouldn't we call the doctor?" Joss suggested, his expression uncertain.

"I will go," Dong offered to take care of it.

In that moment, surrounded by caring faces, I felt a mix of emotions-pain, worry, and the overwhelming anticipation to hold my baby.

"So, how are you going to name your baby?" Aiden asked.


"That's so cool, like the Greek god of war," Joss's face lit up. I just nodded. Then the door opened, revealing Dong and the doctors followed by a nurse pushing something.

"Hi, Anthea. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"Good, just hurts."

"That's normal. The pain will ease up with time. Look, we brought you someone," he said, smiling. Turning back, I saw the nurse holding my baby. I couldn't help but let out a shaking sob.

"Ares," I said, tears falling. I stretched out my hands, and the nurse laughed, "here you go, mommy," and put him in my arms. I removed the part of the blanket wrapped around to see his face better. I was met with the most beautiful eyes, dark blue eyes. He resembled him.

"We will let you be with the baby," the doctor said, leaving. Joss hurriedly came to my side and looked at the baby.

"Aw, he is so cute," Joss said with a baby face. I smiled at him.

"Guys, look!" he exclaimed, pointing at Ares. They all came closer, and I lifted myself, placing him on my knees so they could see him better. Silence filled the room as they gazed at him with soft expressions.

"Shit," Eros suddenly said, surprising me. Taking Ares back to my chest, I looked at him, confused.

"Who's the father?" he asked, his anger evident.

"Yeah, you never actually told us, Anthea. Who is the father?" Dong inquired.

I started biting my lip, feeling blood. It was a matter of time before they would ask me that. But if I tell them, they might harbor resentment toward this baby I'm holding, and I don't want that. I want this child to feel safe, loved, and embraced by family.

Looking at them, I said, "Sit."

They all sat down, bringing chairs closer, forming a circle.

"Before I say anything, I want this child to feel protected and loved." They all nodded, showing their agreement.

"Eros, Joss, and Dong, you know him," I said. They exchanged confused glances, and Eros's expression told me he already knew.

Then, I revealed what I had said to Aiden.

"Anthea, you were reckless, but what is done is done. We will be with you, as we said," Tyson reassured me.

"By the way, Hannah mentioned something about..."


"Nobody but you really messed up. Trusting someone who is an enemy of yours and then," she stared down. I instantly moved my hand to cover my belly.

"Getting pregnant by him, how stupid of you. The Flame has a baby and doesn't even know. I came here to just say that if you do anything to him, I would get back to you more than you did to him."

"The Flame?" I repeated it, he never actually said how is name of mafia was.

But "the Flame" did stick in my throat, feeling my mouth going dry.

"The monster himself can't control his doing. You here, almost giving birth, him burning all things that your father built, your mother. He knew everything; he knew that you were part of Enyo; he just needed to get closer to you. To hurt you physically and mentally."

"But I guess he did. I am sorry, Anthea, but you see, he knows me. He knew me even before. But he didn't know that I was on my mission," she came closer to my ear and whispering.

"I gave up on you." She says backing off.

End of Flashback

Then it really dawned on to me.

He was behind my parent's deaths.

The room fell into silence, though not entirely, as Ares continued crying and I shushed him.

"We will end him. I will do it," I declared through tears.

"Even if it hurts my heart, I should have known not to trust anyone. I failed all of you," I admitted, looking down at Ares.

Kissing him, inhaling his baby smell, I whispered, "I promise you that I will protect you with my life."

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now