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Lexi lay in bed. She couldn't sleep all that she couldn't stop thinking over Cassie and the mess that she was in with Patrick

"Lex I know your awake you have been tossing and turning for ages" warren said as she turned to face him and smiled

"Are you okay?" He asked as she smiled

"I don't know I am worried over Cassie I mean we saved her once and now he had his claws into her and I am worried and I don't want her to get up hurt anymore. He's a monster" lexi said as warren looked to her and smiled

"I know that your worried but we are going to do all that we can to help her just promise me that you any do anything stupid" Warren said as lexi looked to him and frowned

"I don't know what you mean" she said as warren looked to her and rolled his eyes

"I mean you are known for going off of the handle. So don't. I will sort it so don't kick off okay" warren said as lexi looked to him and nodded

Lexi knew that warren was right but she also knew how she had enough of bully's of men especially when Patrick reminded her so much of her father

Cassie was her best friend and she knew that she just couldn't sit back and do nothing and let her get hurt. She knew all that Patrick had done to her and she wasn't going to let him get away with it

Lexi walked through the village as she saw Cassie and frowned as she saw a bruise by her eye. Lexi felt her blood boil as she looked to her

"He did this to you didn't he?" Lexi asked as Cassie looked to her and smiled

"I walked into a cabinet" Cassie said as lexi looked to her and smiled

"I'm not stupid. I know he did this I'm scared Cassie. He will kill you" lexi said as Cassie looked to her and frowned

"He won't look I know how he had a temper but he loves me" Cassie said as lexi sighed

"You can try and fool as many people as you want but I was the one who got you away last time. I know all that he has done to you and I am not going to sit back and do nothing" lexi said. She knew that she couldn't do nothing

Lexi got back to the flat and looked to see warren and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and shrugged

"I guess so. Things are just a mess and I'm worried over Cassie. She has another black eye" lexi said as warren walked over to her and smiled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her and smiled

"I know it's not easy but I am here and I love you and I will do what I can to help legally as we know what Patrick Blake is like. Cassie is important to you so she's important to me and it will all be okay" warren said as Cassie looked to him and smiled

She knew it was messy and she just hoped that they could find a way to help as she knew just how scared that she was

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