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few days skip
(bonus chapter)

Past few days with Vinnie were like a dream. I was in relationships before but I never thought someone can make me feel this happy about any little thing. I feel like I'm 15 in my first few days in my very first relationship ever. And every step we take in makes my heart flutter. Every little kiss makes me wanna jump out of happiness. Every touch he leaves on my body sends shivers.


I thought I'd never feel this excitement in a relationship again.

Guess it took a few years and a tiktok boy later to find out happy love like this still exists.

I made up with Mia. Hardly. I get that her brain isn't fully developed so she still takes stupid risks without thinking about consequences, so I'll go with that as an excuse to her embarassing scene. After all, I find it amusing now with Vinnie.

Sometimes with her too. I'll still laugh at her in 20 years from now about it. In the end, who can blame her? Have you seen how this guy looks and acts? Jeez. Makes your brain stop working.

Homecoming is tonight. Tonight is tuesday. Who came up with this stupid idea to place a party on a tuesday? So much for Mia's brain not being fully developed, God, some adults have it even worse.

I bought a bodycon baby-blue dress, cause Vinnie insisted this color was actually made for me.

A masked-theme dance. Living my TVD dream without me being the one who came up with it. I guess some things really work out in your way.

Some kind of boyfriend I have.

Since I woke up I've been so impatient about tonight. I don't have high expectations about it yet I feel like anything can ruin it. I guess not having school dances and having a shitty prom puts some pressure to it.
Get over yourself, Olivia, you're 22. Next big dance-party of your life might be your wedding. Shut it. I check my phone and I see that I have an unread text from Vinnie.
"Ready for your big night?"

MY big night? this ain't about me.
but no, not ready. i feel weird about it idk why

Vin <3
right. it's about us both. living our stelena dream, huh?

first: they didn't even went to the masquerade ball together, it was katherine. second: they didnt end up together so shut it

Vin <3
they did in my story.

anyway, wanna come earlier and cuddle and make out till we leave cause I aint kissing you after I put my lipgloss on.

Vin <3
yeah, you will. idc about your gloss.
see u at 5, love u

take care vin

"How can you be so pretty without even trying?" he brushes my hair off my face, smilling at me. "And why are you so hot. Makes me horny 24/7"

"Uh, Vinnie. Keep it in your pants for once" I roll my eyes and awkwardly giggle at him.

"What's wrong, love?"

Here it is. Weakness in my knees hearing a simple word come out of his mouth. Makes me re-balance again.

"I'm sorry. I feel very nervous and I don't even know why. It's just a stupid dance. And you made it happen for me. You make a lot of things happen for me. UGH. So stupidly perfect."

"Everything for you." he smilled and placed a kiss on my forehead and on my nose. "Come on get dressed now, you don't wanna be late." he said getting up from the bed and laying the dress on my bed.

"Can you zip the dress for me?" I made my way into the bathroom where Vinnie was styling his hair. "Oh" I stopped to look at him, seeing him brushing his hair in a slick-back hairstyle. "Everytime I think you can't get hotter, you just do it. That's so not fair. "

"Shut up and come here" he smirked at me.

I turned around, with my back at him so he can zip my dress. I moved my hair in front so it wouldn't interfere with my zipper. He gently zipped the dress, like he was scared not to break it. He placed his hands on my hips and brushed them carefully up to my neck. He then lowered his head next to me and I could feel his breath on my neck.

"If you knew the things I would do to you right now, God Olivia, you wouldn't know how to scream my name to stop it. Neither would you want me to. But I don't wanna ruin your perfect look so I'll leave you for now" he whispered in a low tone in my ear, sending shivers down my spine and making me throbe.

"Fuck me" I turned my face halfway so our mouths brushed into each other.

"No" he said arrogantly, smilling on my lips. "Look who's beggin' now, huh?" he smacked the inside of his cheeks with his tongue and smirked.

"Fuck. Me." I repeated myself, our lips brushing with every word.

"No" he smiled again, making me wanna punch him in the face. "I'll let you wait a little more so I drive you even crazier." he said in a raspy, hot voice, gently brushing his hands on my neck.

"Fuck Vinnie, put your dick in me or I'll find someone else to do it."

"Oh is that so?" he fully turned me around, wrapping his hand around my neck. "Let a shit like that come out of your pretty mouth again, you won't be able to talk.. or walk.. for a week, love." he whispered in my ear, smirking, while holding his hand tight around my neck.

Here it goes again. Weak in the knees.

"Are we clear?" he asked, moving his head back so he can look me in the eyes. I nodded and gulped, showing a shy smile on my face. "Good. Now get that pretty ass out of the room before I change my mind and fuck the shit out of you and you miss the dance." he eyed me from top to down, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Go now." he said again, now with a bigger smirk on his face.

why was this chapter kinda........
wrote this on train omw to the beach with my bf sitting next to me LMAO i have no chill
wanted to skip straight to the dance but this chapter makes it even better now

wish u joy🦋

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