character 2

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Shi Wudu's pov:

It's been 4 days in total since I have became a ghost. I don't know how I feel about it. I feel normal but something is not right. Like there is something missing.

I stopped thinking about that and got back to think where I was. I have been traveling around. I went to a couple of different towns. I had gotten hungry. We normally don't have to pay for things in the heavens or I don't think we did. Have I been stealing this whole time?!? How annoying, now I know why these humans ask for money so much.

I just went around to find a restaurant but they were going to be closed for a couple of
Months to a year. That ruined my day. Now I had to go and ask these humans for some food.

I went around asking for just a little bit of food. I like a variety of things so naturally I would go to other houses to see what they had. Most of the people that answered were women. They all looked very nice and we're respectful. Although some of them looked at me weird and annoyed.

woman 1's pov:
A mid-twentys looking man knocked on my door. At first we just stood there but then I realized how pretty and handsome he had looked. He looked like the most perfect man I had ever seen. Although my husband was in the background. I could feel his eyes glaring and burning a hole in the back of my head.

I tried to act normal. The beautiful man spoke up, "excuse me but do you have any food I could have?" I paused for a minute then started to say, " uh-um yes I-I believe we do have some food that I could give you... Please give me a minute sir." Went to grab some food for him, but before I did I mean sure to at least close the door so he could see inside.

My husband gave a very threatening look but this time I had desided to ignore it. I had enough of it. I grabbed to food and gave to the man. The man has thanked me and did a little bit of a bow? I couldn't tell but I will think of it as a bow. I had said you are welcome and saw him leave then I shot the door.

Woman 2's Pov:

A man I came and knocked on my door. I hate people they can't just leave me alone?!
"Uggghh-ahh" I opened the door with a why the f*ck are you here rn face. The man just kept calm. That made it worse for me. That mean he won't be easy to get rid of. I let a long sigh out. The man just stud there with his face saying, "Are you done?" Type look. I am not having the best day rn so that really just.

"So what do you need sir," I had said with a fake a$s smile. I think tried to hard my face had hurt after that. He had finally spoken up," ah-yes I was wondering if you had some food left over." I had told him I would go and look to see.

Oviously that was a lie. I had gonna tired of looking up at him. Damn he was tall and handsomly-beautyful. That made me think of all of my insicirities. "God damn- why can't I be like that?" I had said. Well might as well look for some food to get that bastard.

I gave him one of my older bananas and some other fruits that were gonna be not good soon. Hopefully he plans on eating thoughts today or so.

He thanked me and went away. I didn't even notice but he seemed to be hiding from someone or something. I don't know and I rather not know. I don't feel like getting introuble because of some person that showed up at my door.

Shi wudu pov:

I had finally had enough food to go for a week? I was planning for just today but you never know what could happen. I didn't have to worry about water. Do I even have to explain that? Anyway the biggest issue is where to sleep some people afford to me but... Stranger danger. You never know kidnappers out there.

I thought of staying in a cave but no thx. I guess I will find a hotel and I will figure out some way to pay them back. I walked up to the hotel and went inside. It looked cleanish? So there had to be someone here. I waited for about 10 minutes. Someone finally came out. It was an old lady. She seemed nice by the way she talked.

She said I could have a room handed me some keys and told me where my room was. I finally found my room." That was tiring. I kept getting lost," I had said to myself. Then that old lady came in, she asked me if the room was the my liking. I had said yes. Then she gave me some clothes and left.

It had been a couple of hours since I had fallen asleep only to be waken up by some very loud sexual moans. I thought "Great I have to deal with this," I covered my head with my pillow I had. And then for some reason I thought of Pei Ming. Maybe it was from the people in the next room. Yeh that was probably why. I got up dressed and went over to knock on the door for ruining my slumber. I knocked on the door. The person answered. They looked very crusty and shaby. Their clothes lose and rigidity. I "wonder" why. Rolling my eyes. They stared at me for a second and said, "what you want?" Clearly drunk. I could feel his and hear his hot breath on me. I felt uncomfortable.

"Sir if you could please keep it down, I would appreciate it" I told him. He just stared. He finally said "why? You want to join? You jealous? Hmmm?" That .... I had almost slapped him. I spoke up immediately. I was not going to tolerate this.
"Sir! If you could PLEASE keep it down that would be nice." I tried not to hit this man and keep calm.

"And If I don't? What you gonna do? Call up some of your buddies to beat me? You know you could sell for some money. Why don't you come here, I can treat you nice-" I had kicked his jaw. Than smashing his face into the ground. "I will not take such disrespect!"

I went back to my room with no regret. Right after I heard a girl screaming. Of course that was going to be normal when you see a man on the floor. The next day I had finally gotten my sleep. I made the bed and folded the clothes from yesterday. I went done stares and the old waman had served me some breakfast.

After I had said thank you to the woman and thanks to that guy for last night I was able to pay for the one night. I started traveling to new towns. Hopefully to find hua Cheng so I could get some money. I can't live out here with nothing and I'm a little scared to go down to the ghost realm. 1 vs thousands of ghosts doesn't sound so fair.

Suddenly hua Cheng popped out of no where and pulled me in an alley. He had said "I know I don't really care about this but since shes your friend or whatever, Ling wen had just now betrayed the heavens. Also why are you here?" I was in shock but then answered his question. "Well I thought It would be nice to explore the human realm since I was never able to do so without getting questioned." That was half of a lie but I am still a little curious about these humans so it's not to much of a lie. "Also um could I have some money that these humans use. And speaking of money is there any more things I can do to pay back the dept?"

Hua Chang answered, "yes I can give you some of the human money." He also answered on how else I can pay off the dept and then left immediately. He apparently had to go to his "gege"? Weirdo- he said the next town over that there was a heavenly official over there so be careful.

He had a little look on him that said something but I couldn't figure it out. I let go of it. I had decided to stay in the town I was in, hoping that the heavenly official would walk past and not stay here. I also wondered who it was. They most not be to popular right? I went to find a hotel again. It's a bit better that the last one and there are no creepy looking dudes here so that's a plus. I had gotten my room and settled in.

Pei Ming's pov:

I had decided to go to the human realm. I couldn't stay in my castle anymore, I couldn't stand it. It was one of the places that me and shi would hang out at. I think I just need air. That's it! Away from this silly little crush and just have a vacation. Besides it's been a day or two since ling wen left me all alone. I can't believe she betrayed the heavens and me! I'm a little disappointed. Was I a bad friend? Was it cause of shi wudu's death? What happened.

I desided to go to the next town over and go to a hotel. Thank God I still had some of that human money for a couple of decades ago. This hotel isn't the best but atleaat it's not discusting and gross. I saw two very fine girls kissing. Ho ho it looked nice ;^) At least they got each other.

Yess very nice. We love lesbians. Hope it was as good as the first chapter. Or even better.🤩 That would mean a lot.

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