Messing With Father Time

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A snowball hit Jamie slap bang in the middle of his face causing the boy to stumble back slightly as he chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he wiped the snow off.

"You're in for it now Jack!" the brunette yelled as he scooped up more snow however just as he was about to throw it, he was hit with two more causing him to drop his own to cover his face as endless snowballs seemed to be thrown at him.

The group laughed as they helped their guardian friend throw snowballs at Jamie who fell to the floor in laughter, the group only stopping when the boy started yelling "Mercy!" through breathless chuckles. Jack watched Jamie with a content smile however when he saw the boy made no attempt to stand up a hint of worry slivered up his spine.

"Jamie? You okay?" Jack asked as he picked up his staff from where it was stood up on its own in the snow, gripping it tight as he walked over to the boy, crouching behind him.

The other children watched carefully, knowing smirks on their faces that went unnoticed by Jack as he neared the boy.

"Are you-" before Jack could finish his sentence, a large amount of snow hit his face causing him to drop his staff as he fell back onto one hand, the sound of laughter filling his ears.

After wiping the snow from his face, Jack looked up to see twelve sets of eyes staring at him, mischievous smiles formed under them as they all held one or two snowballs.

"Oh no..." Jack muttered and just like that, the children began throwing their snowballs, some of them just chucking large handfuls of snow when they ran out.

Laughter filled the park again as the snow spirit started to become buried in the very thing he controlled. After a few minutes of non-stop snowballs and snow being chucked his way, Jack was finally able to open his eyes, his chest sore from laughing as he lowered his hand from his face to see all the kids facing in his direction slightly out of breath.

"Aw, give up?" Jack teased as he tilted his head at the now glaring children, who were still out of breath from moving around so much in the cold air; their noses and ears tinted red as their rapid breaths came out in small puffs of white smoke, "Well what can I say? I guess some of us are just better at snowball fights then-" Jack began getting up from the floor slowly, snow falling off him and forming a pile at his feet but just before he could get up and finish his sentence, Jamie had launched himself at the white-haired teenager, pushing him onto his back on the floor, snow flying up from the impact.

The group flinched at the sound of Jack hitting the floor however they're faces quickly turned to relief and smiles as Jamie and Jack began hysterically laughing with one another, Jack pushing Jamie over and tickling him till the boy was struggling to breathe through his, seemingly, endless laughter. Just then, the bell in the town hall rang loudly causing Jack to stop suddenly as his head snapped up to the old building, his eyes on the clock that read 7pm.

"Oh no" Jack said as he moved off Jamie and sat to the side, looking around for his staff which he quickly grabbed before standing up, "Jamie I have to go" he said as he held his hand out to Jamie which the boy graciously took before Jack pulled him to his feet.

"Jack, is something wrong?" Jamie asked in a worried tone, Jack was usually the last one to call it quits when they were playing a game in fact, he was usually trying to get Jamie and the other children to stay longer and play more.

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine I just I have this thing with the guardians and as of-" Jack trailed off and looked to his empty wrist as if reading a watch, "Half an hour ago, I'm late" he smirked as he looked up at Jamie.

"Oh Jack I'm sorry, we didn't-" Jamie began, a sad frown replacing his and the other children's once smiling faces.

"Hey no! It's not your fault" Jack cut him off before he could blame himself anymore, "It's not any of your faults, okay?" he emphasised his words to make sure the children knew he was telling the truth as he placed a hand on Jamie's shoulder looking from him to the rest of the kids, "Don't worry, okay? You guys have fun, I'll see you tomorrow" he promised as his eyes glanced to the clock that now read 7:05.

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