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Full Name: Corinne Reeves
Nickname: Cori, Reeves
Prefered Name: Cori
Stereotype: The Chill Rocker
Age: 17
Birthday + Zodiac: April 25th, Taurus
Gender + Pronouns: Questioning, She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Face Claim: King Princess
Back up face claim: Miki Berenyi (young)
-introverted: She examines peoples behaviour and watches moments unfold but prefers not to be part of them.
-jokester: Despite her introverted personality she enjoys cracking jokes and loves roasting people with one liners.
-loyal: Even though she doesn't show it well, her friends are the most important things in the world and at times she will sacrifice something so they can have it. For example if she had a peach and saw someone else was hungry she would give it up for them to eat. She does prefers keeping a small group of close friends so they can focus more.
-impressionist: She has a gift at for mimicking voices but what most people don't know if that she fake her emotions very realistically to the point that 99% of people won't be able to tell.
-last minute everything: She hates making plans in advance and believes in going with the flow. Cori has this kumbaya personality and leave all decisions to the last minute.
Backstory: N/A
Family: N/A
Style/Aesthetic: 80s rocker and 70s witchy
Likes: 01. Ice Hockey 02. Rings 03. Story Telling 04. Rock music
Dislikes: 01. romance films 02. canopy beds 03. confined spaces
Strenghts: 01. imitation 02. quick thinker
Weaknesses: 01. overthinking 02. eventual Paranoia 03. never being on time
Fears: N/A
Theme song: Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
Mixtape: 01. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac 02. The Chain by Fleetwood Mac 03. Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles 04. Good Vibrations. By The Beach Boys
Quotes: -"good night moon, goodnight tree, goodnight ghosts that only I can see" -"When people ask me if I'm a morning person, I'm like buddy, I'm barely even a person." -*Called a bimbo* "I'm not pretty enough to be dumb."
Song that save from Vecna -I'm a Believer (Alternate Mix) by The Monkees