I'm Lost

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He's dead. His body, lost somewhere beneath the sea waves. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew something wasn't right but that won't stop the nagging feeling that he could have been saved.

I'll miss you old friend.

I take a long gulp out of my bottle. It tastes like the underbelly of a ship but it's strong and makes my thoughts dull like an unsharpened blade that has kissed skin too many times. Less time to muse about Thatch.

The door snaps open and in walks my Quartermaster, looking pissed at me but I'm in no state to care. "Edward this needs to stop," he says darkly, placing his hand on my shoulder and taking the bottle from my hands.

When did he get so close?

I try to open my mouth, ready to tell him 'fuck off' or something of the like but all that comes out is an unintelligible slur of drunken sounds.

"The crew is giving up on you." His dark eyes only speak the truth. "Stop this senseless drinking."

His words don't register. Passing through my brain like an afterthought, fading away just as quickly as they came.

"It's time to move on."

Maybe it is. My eyes look at the wood grain of the floor. The dark patterns naturally carved into the wood. As I look up again Ade's gone and the sun has almost set.

I pick the last full bottle to my name and hold it high. "To Thatch," I toast and drink more than I should. The world slowly shrinking away to my dreams.

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