Chapter 2

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Being expelled from a school can be bad for someone who is going through that situation. Mostly it means having to face parents and invent a thousand excuses to avoid problems at home, another problem is finding a new school to continue with the education of the student in question. But for Ozzy it's a roller coaster of different feelings having been expelled, on one hand it's a relief as he no longer has to see Finn and his minions all the time and endure their abuse and he will not have to endure the abuse and slander from Oswald, although on the other hand he will no longer be able to see the girl of his dreams and although she said that she would study at the university after the summer there's a possibility that it will not happen and that she will continue in high school and he will not be able to see her anymore. It's all very overwhelming and a lot to deal with for a 16-year-old like him, but for now he will have to worry about explaining to his parents he was expelled.

The boy walks through the school gates when Miz appears following behind him.

-Ozzy, I'm sorry I didn't help you. I was going to do it but those fools stopped me and Mafer.- said the boy explaining what happened.

-Don't worry dude. It's okay.- said Ozzy when he is hit by another fish head that the three bullies threw at him, they laugh at him and drive away drinking some beers -Seriously?!- he said annoyed taking the fish head and throwing it to the street.

-Great!- Miz said upset -You get expelled for things you're not guilty of, but they can skip classes and still be awarded by the principal.- he complained, then he sees his friend -What are you gonna do now?-

-I'll go see mom and talk about what happened.- Ozzy said.

-I doubt she punish you for how beat up you are.- Miz said looking at his friend with a black eye and a split lip -Look.-

-You haven't seen the bumps on my abdomen and arms.- Ozzy added rubbing his stomach.

-And what happened between you and Fontaine before Finn ruined everything?- Miz asked remembering what happened at the break.

-It was good. We talked about sea things and I even complimented her on her green eyes.- said Ozzy making his friend excited -Although I won't be able to see her in the week before summer.-

-Something is better than nothing. Will you still go to the lake with me and Fred?- Miz asked.

-Of course. I'll go to the institute. See you.- Ozzy said goodbye to Miz with a fist bump -One more thing: You and Mafer watch over Fontaine please.-

-Don't worry. See you.- Miz said before walking back into the school.

Before leaving Ozzy takes one last look at his old school with scorn before leaving.

-Screw you, Wilkerson.- he said before leaving.

The path from high school to the institute is not exactly short. From one point to the other it is about an exact kilometer, but the walk could help you clear your mind and his ideas while he listens to some music with his headphones and his phone plays some song.

The boy felt that his life took an unexpected turn since the agreement that his parents made, at least the weight he had for school had been removed from his body. Driving down a sidewalk, he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his former bullies being taken away in a police patrol after colliding with a fire hydrant sitting on the hood of the car while there is a huge water leak. Ozzy sneaks by.

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