The Pavement

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A/N: This was a completely random one-shot that came to me when I was out on a run. Slightly random. Hope you enjoy.

I don't own SWAT.

Chris' POV:

I let my feet pound against the pavement. The noise seeming to lull me into a peaceful, thoughtless trance. I think back to my previous texts with Jim from yesterday; being blown off is never fun.

J: I can't come running tomorrow morning; I'm meeting Buck to grab a coffee. Sorry :( ~

C: Okay see ya at work. ~

I move my thoughts away from him, it's not like he deliberately double booked himself, sometimes it can't be helped but it still stings a little. We always go on our morning runs together. It's like going on a date every morning, they make the day a little easier to get through when I have those to look forward to.

I roll my eyes and let myself go back into my mindless state. Turns out that's not such a good thing to do, especially not when I trip on an upturned corner and smack my face straight into a pole.

I groan loudly and hold my face, fighting the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes. I flush from embarrassment but lucky for me it's still early and so virtually no one is out. I slowly stumble my way back to my apartment building. I make it all the way up to my apartment before I look in the mirror. I let out a grunt, my lip is bleeding, my tooth is chipped, my eyes both have a bruise forming under them and there's a few grazes on my head from where my head hit the concrete after the collision with the pole.

"Oh my god." I moan and sink to the floor. God, this is so friggin embarrassing. And I've got to go to work in a few hours. And Jim's gonna think I was mugged while I was out and will pester me all day.

Don't get me wrong he's sweet but I know he's gonna feel guilty for not coming now. Plus, the team is gonna go into major protective mode and will likely barely let me out of their sight the entire day. Just my luck.

I step out of the bathroom from a hot shower and let myself flop onto my sofa. I feel a lot better on the outside, I've managed to clean the cuts on my head and I managed to do an okay-ish job at covering up my bruises with concealer but they're still pretty visible.

I sigh slightly and get up from my sofa, I head over to my cabinets and pour some cereal out and start eating that. I hear my phone ping and I look down to see a text from Jim.

Morning beautiful. Sleep well? ~

I smile at the message but then a wave of guilt hits me. I don't know how he's gonna react. Fingers crossed he's just slightly concerned but moves on quickly. I think about the reply I'm gonna give when another text comes through.

Want me to come pick you up? I just got back from my coffee meet up. ~

I know that that isn't a good idea. I type out a reply

I'm good thanks. I'll see you at work. ~

I put my phone in my pocket and finish up my breakfast. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and hurry downstairs. I made sure to grab a baseball cap that belongs/belonged to Jim before I helped myself to it. I pull it down over my face to avoid any unwanted attention. I leave a little earlier than normal so I can try and avoid everyone.

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