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A/N hope you enjoy this story it is slightly sad

Chris didn't really think too deeply into the fact that Street didn't have much family it only really hit her how fortunate she was that when her mum died she got to live with her uncle Sarzo.

It was a normal Monday, or at least that is what the team thought that was until they noticed that Street hadn't arrived into HQ and is very close to being late.

Hondo shouts towards nobody. 'Where the hell is Street he is supposed to be here already'

Deacon quickly looks at Chris. She just gives him a quick shrug. Unfortunately they cannot think much of it when they get a case about a possible kidnapping they all go into the briefing room to watch the video.

That's when they head Tan gasp they all quickly look at the monitors and see that's it Street on the screen he seems to be talking to a guy covered in tattoos they seem to know each other but are fighting about something. Hicks walks into the room stating 'we can't make out what they ate saying but the FBI suspect that its about Street childhood.'

'Tan, Chris go to Streets apartment find out what you can. Luca go aver the footage and see what you can find out, me and Deacon are going to go to the scene and find any evidence.

'I feel like we're invading his personal life' Chris states 'we're doing this to help find him, I'll do the living room and you do the bedroom see if you can find anything related to his family. It wasn't very hard for Chris to find things about his family he had a small box saying childhood. In his closet. The box was just filled with arrest reports and juvenile prison reports that all had his name on them.  That is when Chris realised just how Streets childhood was and how lucky she was. She had people to guide her  the right way. Most of the arrest reports stated that he was caught stealing food and clothes. Kept going in and out of Juvenile prison.

Tan you've got to see this. As Tan entered the room she waved the reports in the air and said we need to get to HQ now.

Once everyone had arrived at HQ Chris showed what she found. 'These are all arrest reports starting from 2005 to 2019' Chris said. There was silence for a short while until Hondo said 'how where these not found on his background check for LBPD'

Hicks walks in saying all the documents where sealed in compensation because of all the family problems he went through as a kid. The man in tattoos is Eric Bradford convicted of r*pe most recently but was also friend with Street when they where both in juvenile detention.

Everybody was shocked about the news they just found out and only realised now just how bad his childhood was.

6 hours later

I have a location on Street Tan shouted while sprinting into the briefing room he is in a warehouse 15min away.

Alright everyone gear up and get into black Betty we have a Street to save.

When they arrived at the warehouse while walking towards it Hondo stated 'Tan, Deacon and Luca go from the back me and Chris through the front we can't let anyone escape.
LAPD open up they all shouted there was only one guy not counting Street he seemed to be caught bye surprise so by the time he started running Chris managed to tackle him. 'You're under arrest for the assault and battery, kidnapping, assault of an officer, and the disturbance of the peace.' She was throwing every possible felony she could after what he did to Street.

Street was unconscious and covered in bruises and blood it looked like he had be shot twice. Once in the back and once in the shoulder. He also had taser marks on his lower abdomen.

The paramedics walk in they inset an iv line and strap him to the backboard and added a neck brace.

Before they got in and shut the doors they stated that know one could ride with them bit can meet them at Shaw memorial.

Once the whole team arrived they went straight to a nurse to find out where he was which is when they found out he was in surgery and had coded twice on the way and also gone into cardiac arrest because of the electric shocks. As everyone was sat down in the waiting room except Chris because she was pacing back and forth. Hondo was worried she would create a hole in the wall. 8 hours later a doctor came out saying  family of James Street Everyone stands up. Deacon says 'that would be us' The doctor looks worried she stated ' um I'm doctor Shannon Neil and are any of you the direct family of Mr Street' the all shaked their head 'I'm sorry guys buy I can't tell you anything without his consent or his next of kin.' 'May I ask who is his next of kin' Hondo States. The doctor says Daniel Harrelson 'That's me and you can tell them everything as well' ok well James suffered many life treating injuries but he will recover from all of them except one the GSW to his back. It hit his spine and it is definite that Mr Street will never be able to walk again.' Everyone gasped. The doctor carry's on talking he is in room 201 awake and talking we haven't told him the news yet. When he is discharged he will need a lot of emotional and physical support.

They all head down into the hall and take a peak into the room and see Street crying that is when they all look at each other and take care of him as a family he never had.

As they walk I'm Street instantly starts apologising saying sorry and how he has left the team a man down and how its all his fault that he didn't trust his instincts. 'Hey hey kid we will never blame you about what happened and we will help whatever you need as a family. For now just rest.

A/N this was such a sad story to right and I'm sorry for not giving you a happy ending

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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