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Iann was singing his heart out on stage, he looked like he was loving every minute of it. As the show came to an end, I kept catching him staring at me, and everytime he did I would give him the biggest smile and he would smile back.

Iann: and that was my last song, thank you guys for coming out and supporting me, I love you guys endlessly! Have a safe journey home.

Iann came running down the steps at the front of the stage and ran over to me and hugged me again.

Iann: I still can't believe you came to my concert.

Y/n: I still can't believe your Iann dior!

Iann: yeah me neither.

We both started laughing.

Iann: you wanna come back stage with me?

I looked at Georgia and daniel and they were both nodding their heads.

Y/n: id love to. How do I get round? There's no gate.

Iann: Umm like this .

Iann picked me up and carried me over the barrier.

Y/n: well I mean that works too.

We both started laughing and ran up the steps onto the stage, we saw loads of people taking pictures of us but we ran backstage anyways.

Iann: I'm so happy you were near the front cause if you were at the back I wouldn't have been able to see you easily.

Y/n: well I wanted to be as close to the stage and you as possible!

We both started laughing again, like every single time we're talking.

Y/n: so when you go back to Texas?

Iann: um I'm here for like another week I think, It's Monday right now and I leave on Sunday so almost a week.

Y/n: whatchu gonna do while you wait to go back?

Iann: we'll I mean I was gonna go sight seeing but I think I'd rather hang out with you.

I started blushing.

Y/n: id love to hang out with you but I'm a normal college student- I've got school :/

Iann: we'll I will wait for you, I'll pick you up from school and we can go out after?

Y/n: you know what I might have to take you up on that offer mr dior.

Iann: um y/n can we go out for some food or something, I wanna get to know you more.

Y/n: it's literally midnight but I'd love to.  I'll text Georgia to tell her to leave without me.

Iann: I'll drop you home later. Let's go get some food.

We got into the restaurant and sat opposite each other.

Iann: so it's been almost a year, what's new?

Y/n: hm, not really a lot, however I'm now in my second year of college.

Iann: oh what are you studying?

Y/n: um I'm studying social media marketing, music and music technology.

Iann: so you like music?

Y/n: yeah, I love making music however it's not what I wanna do when I'm older.

Iann: what do you wanna do then?

Y/n: we'll I have a YouTube channel which is doing alright I guess.

Iann: shit that's so cool how many subscribers have you got.

Y/n: I think around 400K.

Iann: holy fuck how did I not know about this?

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