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I went to my bedroom and even though it was really late, I couldn't sleep so I decided to text Iann.

Iann 🤑

Y/n: hey :)

Iann: wassup shawty

I literally saw you like five
mins ago but not a lot wbu

Not a lot either. What
time does your school finish again?

Umm 2:50

Okay, I should really let
you sleep it's so late,
I'll see you then?

Thank you, bet 😎.

I put my phone down on my dresser and fell asleep.

The morning came and I decided to wear a simple t shirt with some denim shorts, partly because I didn't know what iann and I would be doing.

I headed to school and daniel and Georgia came up to me.

Georgia: omg how was
your date with iann?

Y/n: mate i wasn't
on a date with him.
We just went out to
get food together.

Daniel: so a date, that's
what me and Georgia
do all the time!

Y/n: no, it's not
because we both said
we weren't ready
for love again.

Georgia: yeah, I can't
believe Andrew he's
such an idiot.

Y/n: anyways we should
get to music now.

We walked into music and started our lesson. We completed all the tasks and then we were allowed to leave for our next lesson, and mine was music technology, which was in the same area. I then had social media marketing, lunch, a free period then music tech again.

2:50 finally came and the bell went so we walked outside. We saw everyone running over to this black matte Lamborghini. Everyone was shouting and chatting but the car looked really familiar.
That's when it hit me, it was iann coming to pick me up.

Y/n: Georgia that's iann,
he was going to pick me up.

Georgia: alright, go have
fun with your man.

I gave her a death stare and walked towards the crowd. I pushed my way to the front when a security guard stopped me.

Guard: sorry, you can't
come near this car.

Y/n: im y/n Griffin,
iann was planning
on picking me up?

Guard: oh the girl iann
is driving somewhere.
You may get in.

Iann gave me a smile and the door lifted up.

I sat in the car and the door closed and everyone was staring at us. I heard loads of people shouting at me.

Random person: omg y/n
how do you know iann dior?!

Iann: sorry you had to go
through that, you ready to go?

Y/n: yeah for sure.

We drove away and everyone started chasing the car but we eventually lost them. Me and iann both started laughing about it.

IANN DIOR-IS IT YOUWhere stories live. Discover now